View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
03-08-2010, 10:07 AM
8 Mar 2010

Good Morning everyone,
Good to see you out and about this morning. The weather here has been absolutely "perfect" and it's so nice to see the sun shinning, warm temps, and my yard is finally starting to dry out.

There's way too many things going on in my life right now to even start listing them. Many of you are aware of my dad's recent diagnosis of a very rare type of cancer and it appears that the doctors can't agree on a treatment plan for him. It will soon be a trip to Houston, TX for a stay in the M.D. Anderson Hospital for the beginning of his treatment. I'm just trying to juggle so many things so I can be there for my parents as they have been "there" for me so many times in my life and now the table is turning for me to help and be a "care taker" for my parents.

Sorry, but no woodworking for me this weekend. I am still trying to work through things about chair repairs and trying to learn how to take chairs apart so I can clean them up and re-glue them back together for a happy customer. One things for sure....it's not as easy as building one from scratch.

Well, that's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Neil Brooks
03-08-2010, 10:17 AM
You and your family continue to be in my thoughts.

Aside from completing the second of my two Mission-Style night stands (posted on the projects forum), I....

Visited a local mill, dealing in beetle-kill pine. Awaiting pricing
Cleaned the shop!
Started the "Woodworking Queue," to list and prioritize my next projects
Got a Ridgid 10" compound miter saw, as a gift from my brother :-)

I'm exhausted. Probably doing a "real workbench," next. Been inspired by lots of the ones done, and posted, here.

Best, Dennis!


Terry Hatfield
03-08-2010, 10:20 AM
Continuting to pray for you and your family Dennis and looking SO forward to being able to be there with you guys this weekend!!! It has been way to long since we've seen each other.

This weekend was work in the yard, work in the yard and then work in the yard. Got 15k sq. ft. dethatched, aerated and reseeded. Also moved 4 1/2 ricks of green wood for next year. Whew! The only thing that even resemnbled woodworking was cutting some marine plywood and re-mounting mail boxes at my mother's house. :rolleyes:

Everyone have a blessed week!!! See you Saturday Dennis!!!!!!!!


Rod Sheridan
03-08-2010, 10:36 AM
Dennis, it is part of being a family when the responsibilities reverse themselves as we get older.

I'll keep you and your father in my thoughts, having gone through that with both my parents.

There wasn't any wood working for me this reason, however I did take my General 650 to my brother's house, which is about 300Km away.

I had forgotten how heavy that saw was (plus I'm older), however it was a job getting it up the basement stairs at my house.

There was a lot of packing to do, buble wrapped the rails, fence, table extensions, excalibur guard, mitre gauges, throat plates etc. I didn't know a saw had so many pieces.

The pieces went in a U-Haul trailer and off we went to Sarnia Ontario.

We had a nice visit, and now my brother has a General 650 to replace his Bosch saw, and I have $2,000 to help fill the hole in my chequeing account left from my new saw.

Regards, Rod.

Matt Meiser
03-08-2010, 11:03 AM
Saturday evening my wife and I went out to a Japanese steakhouse to celebrate our 9th anniversary which was last Wednesday. We couldn't do anything that day because I had to pick my parents up at the airport. Sunday evening we resumed our usual Sunday dinner at their house now that they are home after 2 months away.

In between, I worked on a number of shop projects all documented in other threads:
- Found and replaced a self-destructed guide bearing on my 4x6 metal cutting bandsaw. I need to order replacements for the rest as a preventative measure. I managed to find exactly one in stock at the local NAPA which was the only place open on Saturday afternoon that had anything. Of course this happened right as I started my first cut of the weekend.
- Built a machine mover for all my machines with mobile bases
- Added the necessary "hitch" to my router table and jointer for the above
- Built the mobile base for my planer
- Installed a Wixey readout on my planer
- Did a little planning for a finishing room I'm thinking of building.

Art Mulder
03-08-2010, 11:55 AM
This past weekend was the Canadian Home Workshop show in Toronto.

Part of the show is a 'kid zone' were kids are supervised (one on one) and helped to make a simple woodworking project.

I worked there all three days, and along with about 8-10 others we helped about 400 kids make a scrollsawn clock. (Start with a 10x10 piece of 1" pine, drill out a hole in the center for the movement to poke through, trace one of 8 possible patterns, scrollsaw the pattern, sand, install the movement, send off smiling kid with finished project -- took about 15 minutes per kid.)

And now... I'm tired!

Rod Sheridan
03-08-2010, 12:01 PM
Art, thanks for taking the time to help all those kids become more familiar with woodworking.............Regards, Rod.

Jim Becker
03-10-2010, 8:01 PM
Hang in there Dennis...

Now, I actually got into my shop this weekend and finished cleaning up and reorganizing before starting to mill up some black walnut for the trim on a new tack trunk commission. This one's going to be for the barn owner and will have a little extra special care taken. In addition to the black walnut, the "fields" of the trunk will be QSWO veneer ply that I just ordered from Industrial Plywood...my first order from them...and I have an idea for a special decorative applique that I'll have to work out. This trunk will be identical in design to the last one including the drawer unit (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=128678).

Thank goodness that the weather has finally gotten warmer! It will be nice working on this project without burning a lot of electrons to keep myself warm. :)

Oh, on Sunday, we had my birthday dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant called Los Sarapes. Outstanding as always and less crowded than it would have been on "the day" last Friday.

Joe Shinall
03-10-2010, 8:25 PM
Sorry, been out sick and first day back to the Creek. We're still with you and your family Dennis.

Was sick over the weekend. Walked into my shop and picked up a few tools and then felt like I was going to pass out. So that's as far as I've gotten so far in about 2 weeks.

I did watch a video of the Wood Whisperer that said if you have a messy shop and aren't spending much time in it, to just walk in and put up 10 tools a day or every couple of hours. No work, just put up 10 tools and walk out. Actually works pretty well when you aren't going to pass out from standing up for too long. Damn flu.