View Full Version : Wood project signiture burning tool

Jeff Dorlan
03-07-2010, 2:48 PM
Just wondering...I got the Rockler version of this tool (the one with that must be heated with a torch, as opposed the the electric-heated one) as a gift. I haven't used it yet.

I was just wondering whether anyone had had this, used it, or have any first-hand knowledge regarding it...tips, tricks, overall opinion. Thanks a lot. Have a great day.


Lee Koepke
03-07-2010, 2:56 PM
i got a similar one (not from rockler) and use it. Its a bit tricky to get the heat right, I keep a test strip of similar wood nearby. It takes 1-2 minutes to heat up properly.

The first one, I heated a bit too much, the second was a bit crooked. It just takes practice.

Jeff Dorlan
03-07-2010, 3:02 PM
Thanks, Lee. I like the logo. It's cool. The whole idea is very nice. Plus, people really like it when you give them a piece as a project. I have seen people show it off before, and it seems they enjoy sharing and explaining where a piece came from. I appreciate your advice.

Lee Koepke
03-07-2010, 3:12 PM
I got my from BrandNew Industries on the web. Got one for my dad, and one for me (we have the same initials :D )

Lee Schierer
03-07-2010, 3:34 PM
I have one and as noted it is a bit tricky to get it right the first few times. you also have to be careful to rock it back and forth slightly to get the full impression. If you burn a bit much you can sand it and lighten up the background with out much trouble, but if you get it too light it is hard to get it aligned for a second try.

Lex Boegen
03-07-2010, 7:07 PM
I have one, but have only used it a few times. It is finicky to get heated and applied correctly. I recently read an online article somewhere about putting a strip of masking tape down, writing your signature on it with a Sharpie marker, then using a Dremel with an engraving tip on it to trace your signature. Remove the tape when done. I haven't tried it yet, but will on my next project.

Robert Chapman
03-07-2010, 7:31 PM
I have one and it's a pain to use. I sign my stuff with an indelible Sharpie marker.

Eric Sutton
03-08-2010, 2:00 AM
My solution is to remove the wooden handle and chuck the shaft in the drill press. This makes it easier to get a consistant burn without rocking the iron. After some practice you'll learn the time it takes to heat the iron for certain kinds of wood. It was frustrating to use at first but I liked the brand so I figured out how to make it work.

Richard Dragin
03-08-2010, 10:37 AM
Definitely do some tests first. I have an electric and you have to wait till it's good and hot. A slight rocking is needed on mine also, up and down and left and right. A guide clamped to the piece is good to keep it aligned.