View Full Version : Shellac flakes not dissolving much

Jim Tarjan
03-05-2010, 10:16 PM
It's been about three weeks since I mixed them, and the alcohol/shellac flake mixture looks a nice amber color, but I can see flake remnants in it and when I pour it through cheesecloth a whole lot of solid shellac is left in the cheesecloth.

I'm using amber "Dewaxed Premium German Shellac Flakes" from Tools for Working Wood, and Behlen Behkol denatured alcohol. Actually I ran out of Behkol in the second batch and topped it off with some Ace denatured alcohol. One batch is one pound cut, the other one and a half pound cut. The flakes have not dissolved well in either.

I used this same can of flakes and Behkol on a previous project, which went great. The flakes almost entirely dissolved within a couple days, no sweat. But that was about a year ago.

The flakes have been stored in the screw-down plastic jar they came in , inside a sealed zip-lock plastic bag. They look fine, exactly like at first, dry and crispy.

I just tried putting the mix in a warm water bath because one book recommended it. I see no difference, no additional dissolving.

Old alcohol? Old flakes? Just strain it, and go ahead on it?


Scott Holmes
03-05-2010, 11:00 PM
I'd guess old DNA or DNA that has had the chance to absorb alot of water.

Howard Acheson
03-06-2010, 10:39 AM
Did you periodically agitate the jar? Sometimes, it helps to grind up the flakes into smaller pieces. Shellac should dissolve within 6-12 hours at a reasonable temperature.

Kent A Bathurst
03-06-2010, 12:22 PM
Howie's dead on target - crunch up the flakes into smaller peices, and agitate/stir mixture. If I just let it sit, I always get a gooey clump on the bottom of the jar, and not sure that it will dissolve on its own.

From where you are today - try just stirring it every 5 - 10 minutes and see if it improves. If not, IMO strain it and go ahead, but try it out on a sample board - lay it on pretty heavy and check to see how/if it hardens. From JeFf Jewitt: "Shellac that is past its shelf life does one of two things: "It either won't dry hard, or will cause another finishing material applied over it to wrinkle.........dry flakes or buttons can be safely stored in a cool, dry place indefinitely...."

I use similar product from Homestead (Dewaxed German). FWIW - I use DA from Ace Hardware - never a problem of any kind. I keep my flakes double-bagged in ziplocks, and in the freezer (its downstairs near the shop - fridge is upstars - they've never been added to a dinner receipe, but they have made it as far as the kitchen twice :D).

To be safe, you could mix up another batch, crushing the flakes and agitating every 5 - 10 minutes ( Some people have a cheap yard-sale blender they use for exactly this purpose - they basically make shellac flake dust - dissolves much faster). Usually takes me couple hours (I mix in a qt mason jar, and shake the jar every so often - just take the jar with me wherever I go, with a tongue depressor + paper towel in my pocket as backup - around the shop, wherever.... The neighbors are used to me showing up shaking a jar for cocktail hour on their deck). There is sometimes a small bit that gets strained out, but never a "whole lot". If this does not show an improvment, then I'd have to guess the flakes you got had a problem - but that would be out of character for a product from TFWW, I would think. Who knows - the flakes could have been compromised before they got to TFWW.

Jerry Olexa
03-06-2010, 12:49 PM
As said above, its important to crush the flakes into smaller pieces before and agitate occassionally while its dissolving. Normally 2-3 days max.. You might need new DA..

Jim Tarjan
03-06-2010, 4:09 PM
I agitated the flakes around plenty, with a wooden chopstick, starting on the first day. (Of course, that does involve opening the lid...) I'm betting on the denatured alcohol, during the months of storage, having absorbed enough water to impede the process. I stored it, along with the other flammable things, away from the house in a shed. (I store the shellac flakes in the workroom.) In that typical metal container they sell it in, with a screw-down metal top. Perhaps, over a period of months, once the top has been taken off and on a few times, and the container is half empty, some moisture from the atmosphere can leak through that hokey metal cap. Perhaps not enough to affect most common uses for denatured alcohol, but I gather dissolving shellac needs a very high alcohol percentage.

I should know soon, as soon as I can get to the Ace Hardware down the hill, buy fresh denatured alcohol, and mix up another batch. I'll break up the shellac as suggested, though it worked fine for me previously using whole flakes.

I've got a Fine Woodworking article by Donald Williams where he makes a pitch for high-grade denatured alcohol. But even Behkol is a long drive for me, to the closest Woodcraft. And it seems a bit much to order something like denatured alcohol mail order. Thanks Kent for the Ace Hardware thumbs up -- ten minutes away.

Thanks for all the input,


Jerry Olexa
03-06-2010, 4:49 PM
Regular DA from your local hardware store has always worked fine for me.

glenn bradley
03-06-2010, 5:07 PM
Maybe??? http://www.amazon.com/Toastmaster-1119-Coffee-Grinder/dp/B000GKNYMK/ref=sr_1_18?ie=UTF8&s=kitchen&qid=1267913231&sr=1-18

Kent A Bathurst
03-06-2010, 11:27 PM
......I've got a Fine Woodworking article by Donald Williams where he makes a pitch for high-grade denatured alcohol.

Yeah - you've prolly got moisture in the DA - I store my finishing stuff inside the shop - but then, a galllon of DA ain't around here very long.

I'm sure the FWW article has merit. I'm also sure there must be some incremental merit at the very fine margins for the people that use grain alchohol. I've never had a problem with the hdwre variety - but again, it isn't here very long - couple months at most, and its inside, and I rarely open the can - just to mix shellac, or refill a plastic squeeze bottle.

Tony Shea
03-07-2010, 10:06 AM
Crushing up the flakes IS NOT necessary. It helps if you're in a bind and need shellac asap. But larger flakes should absolutely disolve over night at the absolute most of 24hrs, more like 12. I never break my flakes up as I always plan a day or two in advance and sure enough every morning my shellac is completely disolved. I also get my flakes from TFWW and have never had problems with them. I would agree that it could be your DNA. Sucks to waste a batch of flakes though as the stuff can get pricey. I've heard the quality alcohol argument as well but have never been willing to spend the extra $ for it. I've had good results with cheap Kleen Strip brand. Good luck and store the DNA a little better.

Kent A Bathurst
03-07-2010, 3:12 PM
..........I always plan a day or two in advance..........

Hat's off to you :D

I'm more like "Awwww......C**P!!! NOT AGAIN!!!

Ben Hatcher
03-09-2010, 11:22 AM
I put 1/2" nut in my shellac to aggitate the mixture without taking off the lid. It works very well. I've found plastic peanut butter jars work best since you can shake them like a spray paint can. Round glass jars works too but, obviously, you have to be a bit gentler.

Chris Padilla
03-09-2010, 11:49 AM
If the shellac flakes are old...they may not ever dissolve completely. I'd suspect the shellac before the DA....

Scott Holmes
03-10-2010, 9:28 PM
Stored (cool & dry) shellac flakes should not go bad... shelf life is indefinite.

I keep mine in the shop refrigerator.

Try fresh alcohol first.

Jim Tarjan
03-11-2010, 10:00 AM
I bought fresh denatured alcohol and mixed up two more small batches. I broke up the flakes some with my fingers before adding the alcohol. It's three days later, with the same result: the pieces of shellac are still in there, a lot of it. It's not the gummy mass in the bottom thing, they are all individual and slosh around fine. They simply won't dissolve, or only partly. Some of it dissolved, because the liquid is shellac colored, but there's a whole lot of undissolved floating around.

The moral to the story, at least the moral I draw, is that even unbleached shellac flakes don't last forever. All the articles warn about bleached shellac, that it deteriorates quickly, even dry. But dry unbleached is supposed to last "indefinitely".

These dewaxed (but not bleached) amber flakes worked perfectly on my previous project. When was that, at least a year ago. But when did I buy them, at least some months before that. It could have been close to two years ago that I bought them, and of course one doesn't know how long they've sat at the vendor. Incidentally, as far as I can tell, they look exactly the same as when I bought them, there is no visible deterioration.

I'm a sporadic hobby workworker (obviously). I sit at work, dream, and buy things for hypothetical projects... . For the pros, I would think a one or two year shelf life is as good as forever.

Donald Williams' Fine Woodworking article has just a bit of info on how they dewax the stuff. He says the industrial dewaxing involves solvent extraction, dissolving the shellac in methanol and then reconstituting into flakes. I'm not the chemist, but it would hardly be surprising if this procedure made the product more prone to long term decay. Any educated input out there?

If one does want to store them forever, perhaps extra measures are called for. Kent mentions freezing them. Or how about in a tight jar, with that heavy inert gas sprayed in, as with a half empty can of liquid finish?

I'm skeptical of grinding them up into powder. One runs the danger of disguising rather than eliminating the problem, seems to me.

For my part, I'm over it, I've still got my job and my dreams, and I'm churning the economy, ordering new ... buttons this time, just to try.


Kent A Bathurst
03-11-2010, 11:00 AM
That basically sucks, Jim - sorry to hear the results.

The longest - IIRC - I have had flakes double-bagged in the freeezer is probably 18+ months. I'll pass that in another few months, though - garnet consumption much lower than extra/ultra blonde, so we'll see what happens. Again - the only reason mine are in the freezer and not a fridge is that the freezer is handy and I'm too lazy to tromp upstairs to the kitchen.

Chris Padilla
03-11-2010, 12:44 PM

Do you have one of those vacuum-bag freezing systems? You know, you buy half a cow...cut it up...stick it in special bags...vacuum and seal the bag...then toss it in the freezer for a couple of years and it will still be fine. That could be a way.

I don't use shellac flakes and instead buy the Zinnser Bulls Eye Seal Coat already dewaxed and ready for me. I use shellac mostly as a barrier coat or protective coat.

Andy Muckle
03-11-2010, 12:57 PM

Go to the Tools for Working Wood website and read Joel's blog entry "Getting Shellaced 2" from December - they had problems with the plastic containers letting in humidity, leading to degradation of the product.


Dan O'Sullivan
03-13-2010, 1:54 PM

Jim you might consider getting your next batch of flakes from this guy. I have used them for the past couple of years and the stuff is very nice. Color, freshness, and prices are fair. I have had a couple issues over the years with quality control only with the dewaxed shellac. The garnetlac(lower grade) always seems to be about the same. I'd say the same about the buttonlac and seedlac. I have to strain them and fuss a little but it isn't much. At the end of the day, I don't think your troubles with flakey particles in the mix is a result of poor quality DNA. My guess would be the flakes. Something going on there.
At least you didn't plod ahead and use it on your project like some other guys I have met. You can recover from this one pretty easily. Strain it out and use it as a sealer on your brick porch.


Jon Murphy
06-17-2013, 3:10 AM
This is a three year old thread, but I'd like to add my two cents (or should I say "2 pound cut"). I'm a wood turner and mainly use oil based finishes (Waterlox is my main finish). A week or so ago I started some projects where I wanted to use shellac. I had about a pound of three year old dewaxed orange flakes that I'd stored in sealed glass jars in my refrigerator, and I had some Home Depot denatured alcohol in a quart can that was also about three years old (but seldom opened).

I read all the forums on the topic of making shellac from flakes, including this one. One of them had a recommendation to heat the mixture - the "double boiler method". Many suggested grinding the flakes. I "bit the bullet" tonight, as I'd finally gotten a couple of Mason jars to mix and store it in. I made the 2 lb. cut mixture (4 liquid oz of alcohol to 1 oz by weight of flakes). I shook the jar and there was some dissolution. I boiled water in a small pot, turned off the heat, and waited for the bubbles to stop forming on the bottom of the pot. I put the Mason jar of mixture in the pot (with the lid off, so it wouldn't burst from the expansion). I forgot about it and went back to turning.

About two hours later I remembered my shellac and went back to the kitchen. I put the lid on and before shaking it looked at the solution - it was fully dissolved. I shook it and looked at it with a light behind it, no residue on the sides of the jar. At this point I was in a state of disbelief, I must have done something wrong. I took an unfinished "egg" of pine (a turning project) and dabbed my new shellac on it with a cloth - it was dry to the touch in less than five minutes. OK, maybe it wasn't a thick enough layer. I put the egg on a piece of paper and poured the shellac on it. Less than five minutes for the drying.

It would seem the heating of the solution is the solution to making a quick batch of shellac from flakes. Let me emphasize that I didn't boil it, I boiled the water then let it cool to just below boiling (not even a "simmer", no bubbles and no steam).

Best, Jon

John TenEyck
06-17-2013, 11:03 AM
Your saga reminds me why I use SealCoat shellac and tint it with Transtint dyes for whatever color I want. Way less frustration, and it's always ready to use.


John Coloccia
06-17-2013, 11:25 AM
FWIW, I have a cheap, garage sale coffee grinder in the shop that I use to grind up my shellac flakes before mixing. Doing it like this, I can mix a fresh batch in about an hour.

ray hampton
06-17-2013, 3:00 PM
If you store the flakes or the alcohol in the freezer in plastic container , then the freezer could remove the moisture and water during the cold storage

Alan Lightstone
06-23-2013, 5:57 AM
FWIW, I have a cheap, garage sale coffee grinder in the shop that I use to grind up my shellac flakes before mixing. Doing it like this, I can mix a fresh batch in about an hour.

+1. Got a cheap grinder from Amazon.

I also microwave some water in a bowl, and place the mason jar in the water to speed dissolving. Works well.