View Full Version : Christmas in November - minor gloat

Jim Fancher
11-02-2004, 12:18 PM
Having been out of woodworking for a couple of decades, my tools were lacking. I decided to remedy that with a couple of purchases recently.

I got myself a Porter-Cable 895PK router kit ($229!) as well as their 330 sander. ($50 rebate on $300 purchase)

Through Rockler I got 10 of their pipe clamps and matching zinc coated pipes. I also picked up a router table plate for the 890 series. I'm planning on building a table saw/router table cabinet over the winter.

Almost forgot, I also picked up the Senco three pack of nailers. As a hobbyist, I think they'll do fine.

As far as future purchases go, I'm looking at an MK Diamond MK-470 tile saw. I have a bunch of tile planned and had to borrow a neighbor's saw for the bathroom project I just finished. :) I'm also looking at the Kreg pocket screw kit.

Anyone have experience with the MK-470? I'm pretty much sold on the Kreg kit unless someone can point me toward something better.

Keith Christopher
11-02-2004, 12:32 PM
Uh-oh a gloat like that without pics. I can hear the sirens coming.

John Miliunas
11-02-2004, 12:46 PM
Don't know about the tile saw, Jim, but a BIG thumbs up for the Kreg! As for the rest of your recent acquisitions, Keith nailed it: Pictures man! Pictures! :mad: We pay these cops dern good money to patrol and you keep up stuff like this, they're gonna' get fired! :) :cool:

Frank Pellow
11-02-2004, 12:52 PM
Congrats Jim. The Kreg pcoket hole thingy is on my Christmas list too.

Keith and John, it looks like you guys are cops in training. :D

Mike Scoggins
11-02-2004, 1:07 PM

I bought a much cheaper MK model tile saw (don't know which one) without the sliding table when I did my bathroom and kitchen. The motor/blade worked well. The MK-470 looks very nice with the sliding table. I think that would be particularly useful with larger tiles. Again, I've never used that model, but I would be happy with the lesser model I have if it had the sliding table. I've even thought of modifying my own if a I ever do a large tile job again (which I hope not to be doing any time soon :) ).


Ted Shrader
11-02-2004, 1:20 PM
Jim -

Nice haul!! I'll bet you had a huge smile on your face when the brown truck squealed to a stop.

The MK-470 is a good choice. The shield on the left side of the table keeps the debris off the runner so the table continues to move smoothly. My only complaint is the universal motor. It is kind of loud compared to the induction motor on the (significantly) more expensive model 100 or 101. But since it not used every day, it is worth the difference in price for the additional cutting capacity over the 100.


Jim Fancher
11-02-2004, 1:46 PM
You know, I didn't even think about getting pics because everything was so generic. I'll gather everything and snap a few pics. I'll be able to look back on them fondly after I've used and abused my tools for a few years. :) The Rockler pipe clamps and pipes are NICE!

I found the 470 online for $224 shipped. Plus, it comes with the MK-225 "Hot Dog" blade that normally runs about $50 by itself. I figured I'd splurge and move up to the 470 because I'll be tiling part of my Mom's house too. I'm considering tiling our kitchen countertop with granite tiles and the 470 should be able to handle that with no problem.

Jim Becker
11-02-2004, 1:58 PM
Jim, before you buy that wet saw, contact me privately, I have the smaller 7" unit available "for a really good price"...I had it in the free classifieds awhile back, but got no takers. I really don't need it and it was only used on 12' of backsplach in my kitchen project last summer. So unless you really have your heart set on the big one...

Congrats on the other tool purchases! Nice additions to your shop.

Jim Fancher
11-02-2004, 2:30 PM
I just sent you a PM. :)

Chris Padilla
11-03-2004, 11:25 AM
Jim F.,

(tapping my watch)...I don't see any pics! ;)

Yep, the Kreg is THE tool to get. You can't really tell but in my "Padilla's Garage Gut/Remodel" thread, that partion wall is primarly put together with screws and pocket holes!! I stink at toenailing and the Kreg jig saved me from it. Plus, a nice bonus with screwing together the partition was the ability to take apart certain sections easily if I needed to--and I did! :)

Jim Fancher
11-03-2004, 11:36 AM
(reaching DEEP into the Excuse Bag) I got caught up in election stuff. :D

I just finished reading a review of the Kreg K2000 ProPack. Does $129 shipped sound about right? I haven't looked for the best deal yet.

Chris Padilla
11-03-2004, 11:38 AM
$129 is the going rate...you won't find the "pro-pack" much cheaper. I'd suggest you get the plastic box of screws as well. It gives you 4 kinds to get you going. Also, pick up an extra stepped-drill bit (you have space to snap in two bits within the Kreg plastic case) as a spare.

Jim Fancher
11-03-2004, 11:50 AM
I'll do that. Thanks!

I became really interested that type of joint when I tore down my old vanity. The wood broke before the joint did.

Mathew Nedeljko
11-03-2004, 12:00 PM
Hi Jim, get the Kreg Pro Kit, you'll love it! I picked mine up at the Columbus woodworking show last year and I can't believe how often I have used it since. It has become my preferred method of joinery, especially for face frames.

Make sure you pick up additional screws, both the fine and coarse variety, you're gonna need them!:D

I also picked up a magnetic drawer slide installation jig which makes it much easier to correctly position slides. Very handy!:)

Jim O'Dell
11-03-2004, 2:57 PM
Hey guys, try here for the Kreg Pro pack with the 675 piece assortment screw box. http://www.coastaltool.com/cgi-bin/SoftCart.exe/a/ab/kreg/k2000.htm?L+coastest+wzsp2187ff273827+1047186062

Double check shipping...I'm remembering free, but it has been a while, most likely a loose nuron running around upstairs. But I have it marked as the best price I've found. If anyone is going to one of the woodworking shows in the next week or so, price it and report back to us. Jim.

Jim Fancher
11-03-2004, 5:01 PM
I love Coastal. That's where I bought my 895PK router kit for $229.

I saw the screw kit when I was researching the Kreg. Pretty cool. :) I haven't priced screws from McFeely yet.