View Full Version : Galleries and shows?

Brian Greb
03-04-2010, 3:22 PM
I have started down the path of "non-functional" turning or "objet d' art", and I was wondering how to go about selling my pieces. This brings me to my questions.

1. How does one go about finding a gallery?

2. How does one price ones pieces for a gallery?

2.1 cost to display in a gallery?

3. would pieces such as HF urns/vases, sculptural pieces, ornate bowls, and small wall platters sell well at shows.... art or craft?

3.1 how do you go about finding a show?

3.2. Again how to price for a show?

4. Post on-line? if so where? I suppose eBay wouldn't be a good place.

I understand how to price for a functional piece for a customer/commission but I'm at a loss for how to price a truly artistic piece. Any help would be greatly appreciated.