View Full Version : BLO only?

Patrick Nailon
03-03-2010, 8:08 PM
Has anyone used BLO only? I just put it on a mission style table lamp and it looks so good I'm considering just waxing it and calling it a day. I like trying new ideas, and also I think the feel of the real wood is nice.

Scott Holmes
03-03-2010, 9:24 PM
Oil only and oil and wax finishes provide a nice look and feel. They do not provide much protection. The wood is not well sealed; therefore a wet glass can cause lots of problems.

Wax ans or oil finishes require periodic (3-6months or more often) maintenance, I enjoy woodworking and many other things... re-appling wax is not one of them.

An oil varnish blend would provide the same look and feel; MUCH more protection, and no maintenance. It is up to you...

Patrick Nailon
03-03-2010, 9:40 PM
I forgot to mention - this is a table lamp, so it won't take the wear that a table or other piece of furniture will. It will just sit there and look pretty and not have anything put on it.

Ken Werner
03-03-2010, 9:59 PM
I have used BLO alone. I recommend applying several thin coats and giving it a good long time to dry.

Should work well for a table lamp.

Pete McMahon
03-03-2010, 10:12 PM
I forgot to mention - this is a table lamp, so it won't take the wear that a table or other piece of furniture will. It will just sit there and look pretty and not have anything put on it.

If you like the way it looks and feels, so be it. A couple of coats of the oil will be a little better visually than just one. Wax while not absolutely required will give it a nice look and tactile feel.
There is at times an over wrought emphasis on durability. Not every piece or every finish has to deflect a .38 caliber slug if you get my drift. I have a number of tables with shellac and wax finishes. One resides in my kitchen. On a rare occasion I'll re-wax if the mood strikes me with a semi paste wax. There is nothing easier and quicker to do than wax a table, especially a small lamp table. Besides if the top of your table is not getting any wear that wax will last indefinitely.

Scott Holmes
03-04-2010, 12:05 AM
I just re-read the the OP this is a LAMP? not a table? If so, BLO will be fine.

Jim Becker
03-05-2010, 10:29 PM
I've used oil alone for many kinds of projects as well as oil/wax.

It's kinda funny when we tend to talk about "protection" and "durability" so much in these forums, but the cherry desk I made Professor Dr. SWMBO back in 1998 was finished with BLO and wax. It still looks brand new and she's not easy on it... I'm certainly not suggesting it would be a good idea for a kitchen table, but sometimes I think we worry a little too much about what we put between the wood and our skin when there is less actual "need" to make things impervious...