View Full Version : Shop/Garage almost there

Bob Worrel Jr.
11-01-2004, 7:52 PM
I finished the front siding this afternoon. Almost ready to jump inside to start the electric and so on... Take a look at the pics.

Frank Pellow
11-01-2004, 7:59 PM
Thanks for the update Bob. It's looking good from the outside. Now, I want to see some interior photos.

Bob Worrel Jr.
11-01-2004, 8:03 PM
Thanks Frank. Not much on the inside yet. It's one big room right now. Hey...Maybe I'll keep it that way. Think the wife will notice?:D

Chris Padilla
11-01-2004, 8:11 PM
Yeah, interior shots...we wanna see how HUGE it is inside...at least before you fill it all up and it feels cramped again! :)

Ted Shrader
11-01-2004, 8:14 PM
Bob Land! -

Way cool!!! Now where is it she gets to park? In the driveway???? :D :)

Looks great,

Bob Worrel Jr.
11-01-2004, 8:14 PM
Alrighty then... Inside pics it is. I'll take more tomorrow.

Michael Stafford
11-01-2004, 9:43 PM
Hey Bob I like the title your wife applied to it when she named it "Bob's Room". Much superior to shop or doghouse or other names. "Bob's Room" sounds like a place where men are men and women fear to tread unless they are bringing a sandwich or a new tool... ;)

Bob Worrel Jr.
12-24-2004, 4:22 PM
It's been a while since I posted my shop/garage progress. The electric is finally finished. I placed 220 outlets on all 4 walls. Then 110 outlets every four feet or less. And in a previous post I showed how I added a 220v and 110v outlets in the middle of the floor for the table saw. There are 2 circuits for lights, 10 lights in all. They will be the T8 type flourecents.
The sheetrock is up and the first coat of spackle is on. It took 13 gallons of mud to finish the first coat. I hope to finish the second coat on Sunday. Then on to paint. I'm hoping to get it ready for tools soon. I have the new saw and jointer in waiting...
Enjoy the pics.

Jay Knepper
12-25-2004, 2:08 PM
you have your "NO CARS ALLOWED" sign up.

mike lucas
12-25-2004, 2:39 PM
Looks extremely nice. What are the measurements for your shop area?

Bob Worrel Jr.
12-25-2004, 6:00 PM
Looks extremely nice. What are the measurements for your shop area?
Thanks Mike. The shop is 21' wide by 24' deep. I have an area above it that is 12' by 44' for storage also.

Frank Pellow
12-25-2004, 6:09 PM
It's good that you are finally in a postion to show inside pictures. It won't be long now till you can move the saw and joiner out of the wings and onto the main stage..

Tyler Howell
12-25-2004, 6:13 PM
Great looking workspace. An inspiration for creativity

Kelly C. Hanna
12-26-2004, 9:29 AM
That's a big shop!! Take it all for your tools!!:D:D

Congrats on the new shop!!!!

Bob Worrel Jr.
12-26-2004, 1:55 PM
Thanks guys. I put the garage door in the shop to make it easier to move equipment, large projects and wood in and out. No cars here.

I put the last coat of spackle on this morning. Start sanding tomorrow then start painting. The ceiling will have a texture finish of some kind. Not sure what color for the walls. I want something other then white though. It will be semi-gloss or enamal, I know that.
Looking into floor coatings now. I guess some king of epoxy will do it. If all goes well, Maybe I'll start putting that 1023 together next weekend.

Jerry Olexa
12-27-2004, 12:52 PM
LOADS of usable space. Of course, no cars are allowed!!