View Full Version : Offset chuck

Mike Golka
02-28-2010, 11:04 PM
I had a little shop time this weekend so stated a new segmented project. While waiting for glue-ups to dry I decided to make an offset chuck. Very simple design using pallet wood, a sliding dovetail and a couple set screws. Double stick tape to hold the blanks in place and presto--- pendants from scrap.

Steve Schlumpf
02-28-2010, 11:07 PM
Mike - great looking pendants! Looks like your sliding off-set chuck thingy works pretty good! I will have to keep your design in mind - just in case I decide to give pendants a try!

Gary Conklin
02-28-2010, 11:08 PM
Now that is using your head. Nice simple and effective. I like it.

Roger Bullock
03-01-2010, 7:52 AM
Cool tool man. That is another shop made jig I will have to keep in mind for when I get around to turning some pendants.

Mike Golka
03-01-2010, 5:06 PM
This was the first step, next I will play with a means of rotating the blank on the slide. I have done a Sketch up of what I have in mind. I like to test all aspects before the moving on to the next step. What I did with the first step could have been done by removeing 2 jaws on a chuck but I wanted to verify the sliding dovetail would work as I had hoped. So far so good, now on to the next step

curtis rosche
03-01-2010, 5:28 PM
try 2 sliding dove tails that are perpendicular to eachother

David E Keller
03-01-2010, 9:25 PM
Nice looking pendants, and a very crafty means of making a chuck.

alex carey
03-01-2010, 9:36 PM
cool chuck, always wanted to try these pendants, might have to try one of these chucks.

Jon Lanier
03-02-2010, 10:04 PM
I've not done pendants since I moved from Ohio (no shop up yet). A friend was looking at my pics on facebook. Said it could have his bands sell them at concerts really easy. So, as soon as I get set up, pendants it will be.