View Full Version : Need to put high gloss on Chinese wood base

Don Morris
02-26-2010, 8:19 AM
LOML bought a Chinese porcelain fish bowl that sits on this wood stand in the photo. She wanted a high gloss finish to match some other furniture in the area. I assured her that it shouldn't be that difficult to do. I ran the wood stand into my sanding mops, and it smoothed out some but not nearly as much as I hoped it would, making a high gloss finish more difficult I think. So here I am asking people who are more into finishing than me. The grain of the wood is very open and I wonder now what should be my next step...wipe on poly...paint on poly... Help please. Opps, photo in next reply.

Don Morris
02-26-2010, 8:26 AM
Photo of wood base

Phil Phelps
02-26-2010, 8:43 AM
I like it just the way it is. High gloss on an open grain isn't attractive. If it has to be, you need to build up the finish to fill the grain. It shouldn't be very difficult judging the size of your project.

Don Morris
02-26-2010, 9:05 AM
It has to be high gloss to blend in with the surrounding items. What would be best/easiest/etc. way to go? Wipe on? I've used a lot of the General finishes. My concern was of course the open grain. But I'm stuck. I told LOML...I could do it. Can't go back on my word.

Phil Phelps
02-26-2010, 10:02 AM
Brush several coats of "good" varnish on and sand with 220. Several coats should fill the grain. Final sanding with 400 and put your final coat on. Use a good, natural bristle brush. You could probably get away with a rattle can for the final finish.

Vilas Schroeder
02-26-2010, 11:55 AM
In my limited experience I would use shellac. Its an excellant grain filler as it does not yellow over time, if the gloss of the final coat is not high enough, you could always topcoat with a gloss varnish. Just my approach.

Don Morris
02-26-2010, 2:17 PM
Of course...Shellac. I have a jar in the back of my cabinet (out of sight) I made up from a project a year ago. Obviously I'll have to make up a new batch. LOML couldn't have done this 9 months ago when the batch was new enough to use. Thanks people for the advice. I looked and have plenty of flakes and water free shellac solvent from that project I did a year ago, so I should be in good shape.