View Full Version : add me to the holy cr!p list......

Gordon Thompson
02-24-2010, 5:32 PM

little over a year of turning, and I just took my first wallop to the face..:(

i'm glad it was just a little bowl, and pretty thin. so not much mass.

still felt like i took a damn good punch....

Jonathan Harvey
02-24-2010, 5:35 PM
Hope your ok. Facemask from now on. :-)

Gordon Thompson
02-24-2010, 5:38 PM
Hope your ok. Facemask from now on. :-)

thanks.....little cut above an eybrow, gotta feeling I'm going to have a shiner tomorrow..

and yes, I think tomorrow I will be hitting woodcraft, to look at faceshields...just in time for their sale..

curtis rosche
02-24-2010, 5:44 PM
welcome to the club. at least yours was lucky. mine was about 20 lbs

Steve Schlumpf
02-24-2010, 5:45 PM
Glad to hear you were not seriously injured!

Ray Chalenski
02-24-2010, 5:46 PM
It's always in the back of your mind when you fire up the power tools as to whether you're gonna get bit.Been hit a couple of times in the hand and arm.Never in the face. Been wearing a facemask for a while now.Remember:


bob svoboda
02-24-2010, 6:28 PM
I'm a face mask believer. Once had a 1/4 inch bowl blow up and a dagger shaped shard bounced of my shield at approximately nose level. If I wasn't convinced before, I was after. Glad you weren't hurt.

charlie knighton
02-24-2010, 7:21 PM
thanks for sharing....faceshields are a must

Jeff Rich
02-24-2010, 7:57 PM
I never turn without a full face shield.
I have had too many things fly when I first started.
The GF also uses on although she did have an unpleasant experience with ring shake in some box elder.

Sean Hughto
02-24-2010, 8:18 PM
I've yet to have any wood fly, but I've had some serious jolts from tools slamming around a couple times. Both times, I was working on a bowl and had stopped cutting (lathe was still running), but was inspecting things of thinking about want to do next and absent mindedly left the tool on the rest - reaching or moving somehow and bam - major catch and big jolt. No injuries, and learned my lesson, but it's easy to get distracted for a moment and take your eye off the edge.

Bernie Weishapl
02-24-2010, 8:37 PM
Glad you are ok and for the gentle reminder that face shields are a must.

neil mackay
02-24-2010, 8:56 PM
:D now its official your a turner.

Brian Brown
02-24-2010, 11:01 PM
Glad you didn't get seriously hurt. I took a turning class when I first started turning, and the instructor mounted a 2 X 2 X 12 turning square between centers. He started talkeing to me and forgot to tighten the tailstock. He turned on the lathe before I could stop him (I saw this one coming). The wood hit me directly in the face. I was wearing a face shield at the time. The wood put a deep scratch across the shield, broke the head gear, shot the shield across the shop, about 20 feet where it bounced off a drill press. It also cut my nose right across the bridge. Had I not been wearing a face shield, that may have been the last time I turned. I am a true believer.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-24-2010, 11:27 PM
One launch will get your attention!

Glad you weren't hurt!

Joe Adams
02-24-2010, 11:52 PM
FWIW - I use the Sperian S8500 Bionic Face Shield. It's about $25 on Amazon and over $50 at Woodcraft.

alex carey
02-25-2010, 1:20 AM
agree with everyone else, you got it easy though, mine put me in the hospital with a myocardial contusion.

Be safe, glad it wasn't too bad.

Brian Ashton
02-25-2010, 4:48 AM
I never wore a face shield for the first 20 years or so of woodturning. Tended to rely on the excuse that I was quick enough to get out of the way (which for the most part I was, but now Im older and slower...) and my glasses are so think they pretty much bullet proof. That was till a friend had a bowl let go. He had glasses on. The lenses didn't shatter or anything like that but instead one of the lenses popped out of the robust nylon frames and the edge was driven into his eye, pretty much destroying it.

When he told me about it I started wearing a face shield religiously from that point onwards; that's been the last 15 years. With my eyes if I lose the left eye I'm pretty much legally blind so I simply don't take chances anymore. And to be honest it's been so long now that I wouldn't want to turn without a face shield anymore - I hate getting crap in my face like that!

Thankfully (touch wood) I haven't had the face shield tested to it's extremes... yet.

Roger Chandler
02-25-2010, 9:08 AM
I have had 3 incidences where I have had a turning come off the lathe. Once I was indeed hit in the face from a bowl that was about 7 inches in diameter, and I DID have on my face mask. Boy, was I glad!

The other 2 times I was finishing up the bottom, and was using cole jaws, and I don't know if I did not have enough pressure on the rim with the rubber buttons or what, but one flew to the other side of my shop hit the wall, and shattered into kindling. The other chipped a large hunk out of the rim on a poplar bowl.

I did have one other time, when one came out of my super Nova chuck. A walnut blank that had a piece of the tenon break out and caused the grip to be compromised. I don't know if I was pushing a little to hard, or that the walnut had gotten just a little "punky" but it made me glad I had on my face mask. It hit me square in the chest, and stopped me for the rest of the day.

Face masks are a must! One never knows when the unexpected will happen, and an ounce of prevention is more valuable that a trip to the emergency room, and follow up at the doctors office, and not nearly as expensive! :eek:

Gordon Thompson
02-25-2010, 10:50 AM
The other 2 times I was finishing up the bottom, and was using cole jaws, and I don't know if I did not have enough pressure on the rim with the rubber buttons or what, but one flew to the other side of my shop hit the wall, and shattered into kindling. The other chipped a large hunk out of the rim on a poplar bowl.

that's exactly what i was doing -- working on the bottom with cole jaws. i think mine was two things - the jaws weren't real tight, as it was a delicate rim, and i was pushing too hard....

Gary Chester
02-25-2010, 1:17 PM
Yup, ya gotta wear that faceshield...

I've been lucky, only had a few small pieces come at me, nothing serious.

The other day I really needed it tho... I was roughing some sloppy wet cedar and I felt like I was being attacked by some kid with a super squirter!!!