View Full Version : Lontime no see

02-23-2010, 9:16 PM
Sorry for the long time I have been gone. Most of you have probably forgotten me. I have not you though. I have missed posting and seeing every body's work. Changed jobs, new kid (born with down syndrom so medical issues) home improvement projects including new shop have all kept me too busy to do a whole lot of stuff other than these.

But to keep it turning related.......here is my latest turned piece. It is red oak root ball with hand rubbed poly finish. There is fiberglass resin and coffee grounds in some of the larger cracks to give stability to the piece. I had a heck of a time sandning this beheamoth. FYI keep you knuckles out of the voids.:D

It is 15" diameter at the middle and 9" tall.

Please critique as I have much to learn after being gone for so long!!! Sorry pics are a little blurry, my photography is almost as bad as my turning.

David E Keller
02-23-2010, 9:20 PM
What a beautiful and unique piece of wood... Great job on what I am sure was a challenging bit or turning(and sanding:eek:).

Thomas Canfield
02-23-2010, 9:51 PM
Welcome back and glad to see your post. That is some chunk of wood and looks scary like it wanted to come apart with the least bit of catch. Good job. The fiber glass resin and coffee grounds seem to work well.

Gary Chester
02-23-2010, 9:57 PM
You've been gone so long it looks like all your has rotted:(:D:D

Very nice work!!! And the size makes it even more impressive!

Steve Schlumpf
02-23-2010, 10:37 PM
Tyler - Welcome back! Sounds like you have had your hands full for awhile! Hope you can find a little comfort time and do some turnings every now and then!

Nice looking bowl! Intense wood! Great color and character! Congrats on being able to hold it all together!

Looking forward to seeing your next turning!

Mark Hubl
02-23-2010, 10:43 PM
Welcome back. Nice piece, I like the natural voids, scarey looking.

Bernie Weishapl
02-23-2010, 10:44 PM
Great looking bowl Tyler. Welcome back.

John Keeton
02-24-2010, 6:20 AM
Sounds like you have endured many challenges, Tyler. I wish you the best with your child - they can be so special in many ways. And, congrats on the new shop!!

Great piece of wood, and another challenge!! You conquered this one, as well. Beautiful color and character.

steven carter
02-25-2010, 1:09 PM
Welcome back Tyler, I wondered a couple of times what might have happened to you. Glad that you are handling all the things you need to handle, sometimes we have to let our priorities dictate what we get to do. I hope things settle down for you and you are able to turn more often.
