View Full Version : Best Forstner Bits?

Jim Kirkpatrick
02-23-2010, 1:49 PM
In the market for a high quality set of forstner bits. I know this topic has come up in the past but does anyone have any experience with Colt forstner bits? They're pricey but I don't mind spending the extra chingo if they work as advertised. If not Colt, are there any that you are very happy with?

Van Huskey
02-23-2010, 1:56 PM
Famag, enough said.

Mike Henderson
02-23-2010, 1:58 PM
Famag, enough said.

+1 Great bits. Freud also makes good bits.


Kent A Bathurst
02-23-2010, 1:59 PM
Famag, enough said.



Aaron Wingert
02-23-2010, 2:00 PM
Yup, the Famag's are hard to beat.

Jim Kirkpatrick
02-23-2010, 2:10 PM
I dunno, the Colt looks mightee compelling: http://www.popularwoodworking.com/article/colt_forstner/


Mr. Jeff Smith
02-23-2010, 2:18 PM
FWW rated the Famags the best overall. Grizzly has a 16pc set they rated best value.
I've used both and found both very good.

Van Huskey
02-23-2010, 2:26 PM
I dunno, the Colt looks mightee compelling: http://www.popularwoodworking.com/article/colt_forstner/


Colt makes a very good forstner and brad point for that matter but I do like the Famags better, but you can't go wrong with either.

Jim Kirkpatrick
02-23-2010, 3:13 PM
Colt makes a very good forstner and brad point for that matter but I do like the Famags better, but you can't go wrong with either.

I can't believe the speed Chris Schwarz was boring through that jatoba. I was using a PC 3/4" bit to drill some 2" deep mortises in some ash and each mortise took me ~ 10 minutes to bore. Time for some new bits.

Dennis Lopeman
02-23-2010, 4:20 PM
Well... he IS Chris Schwarz!!!! The wood probably soften itself and parted its grains before the bit ever touched it...

Dennis Lopeman
02-23-2010, 4:22 PM
I need to go home and look at my bits, now!!! I have some cheapies from HarborFrght... and I have another set of much more expensive ones. I never paid attention to the brand (mostly cuz I proly hadn't heard of it...)

Van Huskey
02-23-2010, 5:29 PM
Well... he IS Chris Schwarz!!!! The wood probably soften itself and parted its grains before the bit ever touched it...

Are you sayin' he is the Moses of wood? :D

Chuck Isaacson
02-23-2010, 5:44 PM
Are you sayin' he is the Moses of wood? :D

Nice..... Next he will be turning sawdust to solid lumber.

Ray Bell
02-23-2010, 6:09 PM
That is an impressive video, but wow the Colts are spendy!

Neil Brooks
02-23-2010, 6:17 PM
It'd be interesting ... and pricey ... to forego the whole matched set, from a single brand, and -- instead -- mix and match from TWO manufacturers, to come up with a set.

Then ... over time ... you might figure out if one truly IS any better than the other.

But ... IIRC ... I just went with Grizzly, and they've been just fine.

Ed Hazel
02-23-2010, 6:19 PM
I find that I use a few sizes a lot, for those sizes I have the Freud Carbide bits. They stay sharp no burning and cut like mad.

doug faist
02-23-2010, 7:11 PM
I noticed in all the ads for Colt bits there is no box with the sets. Do they come simply as individual bits or is there someplace that sells them in a nicely boxed set?


Darnell Hagen
02-23-2010, 8:01 PM
Whatever you go with, make sure they're high speed steel, other (cheaper) steels are good for softwood only. HSS bits retain their edge at high temps.

John Stan
02-23-2010, 8:23 PM
I have forstner bits from Colt, Famag, Frued and Porter Cable. The Freud and PC were bought at the Borg. For me, all of them do their job. For me the Colts do it the best, Famag second, Frued third, and PC 4th. The Colt and Famag are clear steps above the Frued and PC.

Van Huskey
02-23-2010, 8:35 PM
I just looked at the prices, considering they are cheaper I will probably get a Colt the next time I need a replacement for my Famags and see what I think.

Jim Kirkpatrick
02-23-2010, 8:56 PM
I just looked at the prices, considering they are cheaper I will probably get a Colt the next time I need a replacement for my Famags and see what I think.

Van, Where are you seeing the Colts cheaper than Famag?

Peter Quinn
02-23-2010, 8:58 PM
The best? I dunno, but the colt brad points are sure nice. For forstners I've been using Freud diablo's with good results. No complaints. I've also used a few from Morris wood tool that worked quite well, don't know if they were the manufacturer or just the vendor?

Van Huskey
02-23-2010, 9:11 PM
Van, Where are you seeing the Colts cheaper than Famag?

Infinity and amazon. I didn't really do a true price comparo just looked at a sample of 2" Colt prices and they were about $10 cheaper than I usually pay for Famags.

Jim Kirkpatrick
02-24-2010, 11:40 AM
Well, I took the Colt plunge. I bought the 10 piece set + the extender from infinity tools. They have a $10 off code and free shipping. I'll keep ya toasted on their performance.

Dennis Lopeman
02-25-2010, 10:20 PM
I looked at mine the other day. They were like $20 and above, each! All they say is the size and USA. So I don't even know the brand. Next time I'll pay attention.

At least I bought American!!!! ;):cool: