View Full Version : Countdown is on!

Tim Hughes37
02-23-2010, 12:03 PM
Just got notification that my new 46-460 will be delivered on Thursday morning!! Now to make the stand and start turning!

John Keeton
02-23-2010, 12:05 PM
So, do you have the tools, sharpening system, face shield, a chuck, sanding system, etc., etc.? Lots of things to do between now and Thursday!!!! Excited yet????

Tim Hughes37
02-23-2010, 12:19 PM
Have the tools, sharpening system, chuck, sanding system, face shield, wood, dust removal, finishing supplies, just need the lathe. In fact I've already sold the old lathe. I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas morning.

Rob Holcomb
02-23-2010, 3:32 PM
I'm right there with you Tim. My 46-460 is supposed to be delivered this afternoon but it might be tomorrow. I bought the package deal at Toolnut. So far I've received the bed extension and Nova chuck. If I get the lathe and turning tools today, I'll be building the stand tomorrow! Happy turning!

I guess there was a problem with the delivery of the micro turning tools. They were supposed to be delivered with the bed extension and chuck but one quick email to Toolnut and a set is on the way!

Tim Hughes37
02-23-2010, 4:23 PM
I had that happen where they didn't come with the extension and chuck too. They got here the next day. It's a nice set of micro tools. They have a really nice edge for coming straight out of the box, and a nice canvas holder too.

I've purposely set aside projects, waiting for the new lathe. So, I'm really glad it will finally be here.

Bernie Weishapl
02-23-2010, 6:35 PM
Congrats on the lathe and enjoy. Look forward to some turnings.

Greg Just
02-23-2010, 7:36 PM
Remember - We need pictures or it didn't happen! :D

Sean Ackerman NY
02-23-2010, 8:23 PM
Glad these puppies are shipping again guys!

Rob, what seems like happened was...last week when you ordered, or maybe week before (I don't recall) we had that huge storm on the East Coast. Delta got so backed up, that when they reopened, they just got stuff out, no matter how poorly packaged the ship outs were.

You were one of a few that did not get their turning tools, but we made a couple calls to a few Delta boys today and you're taken care of as well as some others. Seems like they were shooting for quantity (to free up the jam from days of no shipments) and not quality. Everyone should be a-ok though.

To both of you (Tim and Rob) we want pictures. It's a damn fine machine and it certainly deserves a snap or two. Especially with that extension, it totally transforms the unit.

Steve Schlumpf
02-23-2010, 10:48 PM
Congrats Tim! Looking forward to the photos!

Noel Poore
02-24-2010, 12:03 AM
I also ordered the package deal from ToolNut. I'm just waiting for the lathe, the other stuff arrived last week. There's a 6 ton weight limit on our street at the moment because of the frost heaves so I need to drive down to the freight depot and pick up the lathe tomorrow or Thursday.

My first lathe - can't wait :)


Rob Holcomb
02-24-2010, 7:40 AM
Greg, Sean, Steve, The lathe came late yesterday afternoon and I immediately started to throw together a table for it. The carcas of the table is built (a John Keeton clone, thanks for the pics you posted John!) and today after work, I'll be putting an OSB top on. I'll post pics as soon as I can but my work has me getting up at 4:30am for a few weeks so I'm only getting a couple hours a day in the shop and I don't want to stop to take pictures when there's 2X4's to cut, OSB to rip and screws to drive LOL.

Well here it is. I got the table built and the lathe put together. It's not bolted down yet. Need to get some bolts, and I haven't installed the Nova chuck yet. Tomorrow's task after work. As you can see, the table has locking casters. I'm not sure if I'll keep them or not. I'll have to wait and see how the vibration and sturdiness of the table is first.

Tim, I sent you an email.
