View Full Version : Gloat Ln Bc1000 !

Keith Christopher
10-29-2004, 9:35 PM
Oh yeah, I'm the TRUE Neander ! -of course this is a joke post- :)

Jim Becker
10-29-2004, 10:24 PM
Oh, I don't know...if you beat the wood repeatedly with that L-N BC1000, it will become quite maliable in your hands.

Ted Shrader
10-29-2004, 11:24 PM
But how do you sharpen it???? Or does it needs sharpening at all. :)


Keith Christopher
10-30-2004, 12:43 AM

No need man does this thing hold an edge ! and it's dead on accurate ! But then again you can only be 'so' accurate with a hammer!

Dave Anderson NH
10-30-2004, 8:36 AM
I think you will have a bit of a problem if that is for use as an edge tool though as a hammer it might work. It has been my experience that the LN cutting tools from that period were usually made from the finest grades of imported Devonian flint mined in the Devonshire area of the UK. The standard technique for sharpening was knapping with another piece of the flint. Unfortunately for the folks of the time the scary sharp method of preparing an edge hadn't been developed to the level of sophistication it has today. It was usually quite time consuming to walk all the way down to a sandy beach and then spend the day rubbing a cutting edge back and forth on the beach at the proper angle.

Anyone have a crowbar I can borrow to pry my tongue out of my cheek?:D

Louis Bois
10-30-2004, 9:34 AM

I need to make a correction to your post...a pallaentologist friend of mine did extensive research on the era in question and assures me that Devonian flint was riddled with impurities that would have rendered it useless as an edge tool...therefore the sample in question was probably cut from a cliffside on the Norman coast...

sorry...I'd just hate to have people propagating erroneous information.

Tyler Howell
10-30-2004, 9:59 AM
That wasn't on the tool list for the Neander class #*&&^%.

Another thing to find and barter for.:D

Dan Clermont in Burnaby
11-02-2004, 12:00 AM
I am going to have to add that tool to my Christmas List. Does it come in a LN box?

Dan Clermont