View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
02-22-2010, 11:11 AM
22 Feb 2010

Good Morning Everyone,
I hope this finds each of you doing well and staying warm. The weather has warmed up enough here to melt off almost all the snow and that just allowed the rain to move in. I'm ready for some son shine and warmer temps.

Well, woodworking wise, I managed to get enough time together to take my first chair apart for a lady at church. I'm simply amazed and how chairs hold up for so long on just doweled joints....or maybe they really don't hold together that long and is the reason why I'm teaching myself chair repair on someone else's chairs?

Well...I'm learning any way and it's a nice break from the grind at the day job and I really need to find something more to focus on instead of my dad's cancer.

I slept in today because of my work schedule and lack of sleep from the week before...so I'm a bit late posting today.

Well, that's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-22-2010, 11:20 AM
Last week was an interesting week at work.....my old body was complaining from Friday's work day so....

Saturday the LOML and I chilled....we read books.....relaxed.

Sunday....among other things we moved furniture from our dining room and cleaned carports.

Jim Terrill
02-22-2010, 11:32 AM
Went out and bought some wood so I have something to work with this weekend. I picked up curly maple, curly cherry and birdseye maple. He sold me the birdseye for $4bf because the boards were only about 4" wide, but they are 6/4 with incredible figure and will work great once resawn as jewelry box dividers. Had a bit of an adventure getting the wood (see my post under the benchdog clearance thread), but I can't wait to get working on this wood. I've never worked with curly cherry before, but the figure looks incredible even rough sawn and it was only $1bf more than "normal" cherry.

Matt Meiser
02-22-2010, 11:48 AM
Saturday I dropped LOML and LOMLjr off at the Y and tried to buy new welding gloves. I learned that only 1 local welding shop is open on Saturday. After trying the two that were near where I was, I drove 15 miles to the one that was open only to find that the gloves they stock run small and I need a 2X which they don't stock at that location. Then had to drive all the way back to the Y. We also went shopping for flooring for our pending kitchen remodel and visited another granite countertop shop. LOMLjr spent the night at my MILs so LOML and I tired the new local wood-fired pizza joint and came home to hang out and watched a couple movies we've had waiting from Netflix.

Sunday--wasted a couple hours taking my 4-month old cell phone in for repair since something happened to the screen making reading email next to impossible. $120 to exchange for a replacement and they had to order that. :mad: I don't recall doing anything that would have damaged it and there's no physical mark on the screen but they say I had to do something. The only alternative would be to pay more to get out of the contract and go to a competitor so not much I can do about it. While we were waiting for them to look at it we hit a couple Lowes pick up a pair of featherboards for myself and a pair for my club to use as a raffle prize. Later I was able to get out to the shop and get my planer dust hood fabricated. Once I get it primed and painted, the planer will be complete--finally!

Joe Shinall
02-22-2010, 12:29 PM
Had a cookout Saturday that lasted all day and night. And had to replace the radiator fans in my wife's car Sunday because they went out and it started to overheat. Then had to go ahead and do the oil change, brakes, wiper blades, fluid checks, and all the rest of the normal checkup crap.

So no work in the shop this weekend :( But have a couple days of working from home this week and I do plan on finishing a few small projects including an antique dresser restore that I've been on for 5 months now.

Jerome Hanby
02-22-2010, 12:49 PM
Finally got everything dialed in and routed a decent lock miter joint. Think I'm going to need to route the widest stock I have, then cut it down into drawer sides to avoid the tear-out I'm seeing

Jerome Hanby
02-22-2010, 1:01 PM
Finally got everything dialed in and routed a decent lock miter joint. Think I'm going to need to route the widest stock I have, then cut it down into drawer sides to avoid the tear-out I'm seeing.

Terry Hatfield
02-22-2010, 8:03 PM
Blew too much money at the wwing show in KC. Barely got outta there in time on Saturday night before the storm hit. Spend Sunday afternoon arranging my new toys and cleaning out the drawers in my bench.
