View Full Version : Winged Victory

Steve Schlumpf
02-20-2010, 7:05 PM
Have a juried show that I have to submit entries to no later than this coming Friday. Turned this Box Elder hollow form back in July (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=115860) and while I was happy with the form at the time - I never really liked the finial. This is one of those rare times where I went back and turned another finial to give a piece a different look.

The Box Elder HF is 10" high to top of the Cherry finial x 6" diameter x 1/8" thick.


So, what do you think? To weird for an art show entry?

As always, your comments, opinions and critiques are welcome!

Thanks for looking!

Bob Borzelleri
02-20-2010, 7:25 PM

Certainly not too weird for any art show I've been to.:) In fact, I was thinking that you added a nicely done whimsical touch to what was already a very stately HF. While the former finial was well done, this one seems to add to the overall character of the piece. I like it.


David Christopher
02-20-2010, 7:34 PM
Steve, I like the shape and everything but I think it would better with the finial a little darker in color.

does it have a finish on it ?

can you put some dye or stain on it ?

just my 2 cents

David E Keller
02-20-2010, 7:39 PM
I like it as is... the finial is really nice. This seems perfect for an art show.

Bernie Weishapl
02-20-2010, 7:45 PM
Really a pretty piece Steve. I really like the finial.

Toney Robertson
02-20-2010, 7:52 PM

The HF is great. Beautiful wood and a pleasing form.

I generally like pedestals and finials in a contrasting wood but you just never know what judges will like.

The art fair that I have entered this year and last still makes me scratch my head. Both years the piece (you can submit three) that I thought they would like they rejected.

I guess art like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


PS Another name for your HF but not as inspiring would be "Forked Tongue" :D

John Keeton
02-20-2010, 8:30 PM
Steve, I like the finial, and I really like it on this piece. The "wings" pick up the angle of the finial base, and I think the change of direction of the grain for the "ball" is neat!! Though the cherry will darken, so will the box elder, and I think the finial draws on the color bands in the HF.

Very nice, crisp details, and a marked improvement. Go for it!! Wierd is in!

Richard Madison
02-20-2010, 11:25 PM
Seems like the perfect level of weirdness to me, but then I'm not one of the judges. Good luck Steve.

Baxter Smith
02-21-2010, 12:07 AM
I don't know what is weird about it. Guess I don't know enough about finials.:) And if it is wierd, isn't that sometimes good for an art show?
I think the tip of the finial matches the shape of the hollowform. I like the color as well. It is similar but contrasting if that makes any sense. Something different than black looks good! More natural.

Bill Bolen
02-21-2010, 12:12 AM
The new finial changes the feel of the entire piece for me. I believe it to be a fine improvement. The "wing" is a very fitting and clever addition.. Good luck on the coming show also...Bill...

alex carey
02-21-2010, 1:25 AM
I've never even seen a winged finial, its pretty frickin cool, not sure how you did it either. Nice job, it's definitely not too weird.

Peter Lamb
02-21-2010, 7:22 AM
Perfect! It's in the show!!

Pete Jordan
02-21-2010, 7:54 AM
Nice upgrade, Steve!

Tony De Masi
02-21-2010, 8:05 AM
I like it alot Steve. I would put it in the show as is and see what happens.


Roland Martin
02-21-2010, 8:10 AM
Is there anything too weird for an art show? I thing that's a great finial, blends in very well with the HF. Best of luck Steve.

Joe Meirhaeghe
02-21-2010, 8:25 AM
I like it. The wings ad a special touch to the overall fourm.
2 thumbs up.

Jeff Nicol
02-21-2010, 9:22 AM
Steve, To be called "ART" by many it needs to have that little extra effort put into it. It lets the judges know that you are more than just a woodturner but an inovator. Art is percieved differently by most everyone who looks at it, and I think the split wings will give it that extra bit to make the people talk about it and it will separate it from others that may be in the same style. Good luck and win the gold!


Curt Fuller
02-21-2010, 10:58 AM
Steve, I love the finial but I'm not 100% sure if it goes with the vase. There's something in the colors or grain pattern of the two woods that doesn't jive, at least in my eye. That finial is really cool though. Looks like a snake's tongue.

Sean Hughto
02-21-2010, 11:07 AM
Looks masterful from here!

Out of curiousity, do folks use hollow forms like this or similar (Ellsworth, Bosch, etc.) for anything other than vessel shaped sculpture? Don't get me wrong, sculpture and beauty is plenty for an object to accomplish, I'm just curious whether they ever have utility functions at all that aren't occuring to me. Finial pieces with small openings tend to make me think of exquisite perfume bottles and such, though I know they are unlikely to be used that way.

Steve Schlumpf
02-21-2010, 11:40 AM
Thanks for the comments everyone! I realize it is different and may or may not be accepted - but if anything is accepted, I will let you know.

Curt - I replaced a Cherry finial with Cherry cause with just a few months of aging - the color really starts to match the Box Elder. Right now it has that real fresh Cherry look to it and that may hurt it's chances. We'll see.

Sean - I don't know about other folks who turn hollow forms but I hope all of mine are considered as wood sculptures. Course, they would make great M&M holders!

charlie knighton
02-21-2010, 1:38 PM
very nice, i think it is fine for an art show or otherwize

your hf must be 6 x 6 or so without final, i find myself going to about the same size lately, seems that size is good for continous curve, what do you think, Steve

Steve Schlumpf
02-21-2010, 2:05 PM
Charlie - the actual hollow form is 5" high x 6" wide and most of my blanks are close to the same size or slightly larger. I do have some that I have roughed that are closer to 14" diameter but they are the exception.

As far as a continuous curve - depends more on the shape you are creating than the size of the blank - at least for me. It is nice to have a blank large enough to play with the form while turning and not be restricted as to what you can create. Course, once it has been roughed out and set aside to dry - you do limit yourself as far as final design modifications.

Brian Effinger
02-21-2010, 2:20 PM
Beautiful and daring finial Steve. While I really like it I too am not sure it goes with the HF. I am not quite sure why. I've looked at both the before & after photos this morning, and again this afternoon, but still can't put my finger on it. It might be the color and grain, as Curt suggested, but it might also be the height. On the original, the finial was about 1/3 of the overall height. The new one is close to, but not exactly 1/2 the overall height. Of course, this is just my opinion, so take it for what it's worth. ;)

charlie knighton
02-21-2010, 3:55 PM
Out of curiousity, do folks use hollow forms like this or similar (Ellsworth, Bosch, etc.) for anything other than vessel shaped sculpture?

i did this turning for a person who does garden shows, ie: she is going to put an arrangement of cut flowers, the opening at the top and how wide the bottom were critical dimensions; something called a frog fits in the bottom

the wood came from a persimion tree from their front yard, because of the nearly straight up and down form, the wood movement was like a bowl instead of a hollow form; the first one warped, so this is the second one, roughed out and then turned to finial thickness. the first one was light brown, the second one in a paper bag for a couple months looked like black walnut with a maple grain; go figure; oh and yes dry persimion is tough

Steve Kubien
02-21-2010, 7:44 PM
Steve, if you want to get a quick-start to the aging of the cherry, put some BLO on it and put it on your window sill so it gets serious sunlight. Turn it 180 degrees the next day and continue until you have to send it or pictures of it in for the jury. Another way to do it would be to continue with the BLO and take it to a tanning studio and put it one of the beds for a round.

curtis rosche
02-21-2010, 7:57 PM
looks really cool. dye the wings a dark color so that your eyes are drawn to the wing, but keep the rest of the finial a light color

Steve Schlumpf
02-21-2010, 7:57 PM
Thanks Steve but the finial already has a coat of poly on it. No big deal on the aging - the photos are being submitted tomorrow and whatever happens - happens. Thanks for the suggestion though!

Leo Van Der Loo
02-21-2010, 9:24 PM
Somehow the finial looks a little stiff, like the foot is not a soft curve like the top of the HF, and a darker color would look better, and yes this is strictly IMO :)
There's this saying Steve, if you try to please everyone you will please no-one, so please yourself, it is and extension of you, keep it if you like it :D

Curt Fuller
02-21-2010, 9:32 PM
Steve, I love the finial but I'm not 100% sure if it goes with the vase. There's something in the colors or grain pattern of the two woods that doesn't jive, at least in my eye. That finial is really cool though. Looks like a snake's tongue.

I've come back to look at this several times. But this time I followed the link to the original post and saw that I originally commented on how much I liked the color combination. Just goes to show how dingy I can be.:o:o:o
Again, I love the shape of the finial, check tomorrow and I might like the color of the finial again;). Good luck on the show. I have this feeling you'll be a winner...again.

steven carter
02-21-2010, 11:10 PM

That is way too weird for an art show, I think you should box it up and send it to me!!!

Seriously, I find it very provocative, and I would think that would be a good thing for an art show. Good luck, I will be interested in seeing what happens.


George Guadiane
02-21-2010, 11:32 PM
Especially for an art show.

Van Huskey
02-22-2010, 5:06 PM
I think it is perfect for an art show, the balance of the piece is very nice.