View Full Version : "THINK AHEAd"

Bob Borzelleri
02-20-2010, 6:51 PM
I guess to be fair to myself, I wasn't trying to make anything but shavings with my new Thompson Detail gouge.

Somewhere along the way, I decided to take away everything that didn't look like a goblet. By the time I got the stem turned, it occurred to me that the piece was very likely too spindly to withstand making the major element of a goblet; the cup.

So, unless anybody has a suggestion for hogging out the cup without snapping the stem, this will probably go in the slowly growing collection of "firsts" as a reminder to play a few moves ahead (or at least recognize a shape that might emerge before I cross the point of no return).

Steve Mawson
02-20-2010, 6:54 PM
At least you know how to make the stem. Like you say, just have to remember how the puzzle fits together. Looks good, just can't put anything in the vessel.

Sean Ackerman NY
02-20-2010, 7:00 PM
I guess to be fair to myself, I wasn't trying to make anything but shavings with my new Thompson Detail gouge.

Somewhere along the way, I decided to take away everything that didn't look like a goblet. By the time I got the stem turned, it occurred to me that the piece was very likely too spindly to withstand making the major element of a goblet; the cup.

So, unless anybody has a suggestion for hogging out the cup without snapping the stem, this will probably go in the slowly growing collection of "firsts" as a reminder to play a few moves ahead (or at least recognize a shape that might emerge before I cross the point of no return).

Goood looking stuff Bob. I really like it.

Man, what I would do to get a mallet and goblet from one of you guys who've bought a lathe from me, hint hint hint.;) lol

Steve Schlumpf
02-20-2010, 7:27 PM
Bob - very nice start on a goblet! To finish turn it I would use a recess in the foot area and a steady rest to support the turning while hollowing. No big deal... always options when you stop to think about it!

Nice work!

Bob Borzelleri
02-20-2010, 7:30 PM
At least you know how to make the stem. Like you say, just have to remember how the puzzle fits together. Looks good, just can't put anything in the vessel.

Thanks Steve. I think I'll place it somewhere above eye level. :D

Goood looking stuff Bob. I really like it.

Man, what I would do to get a mallet and goblet from one of you guys who've bought a lathe from me, hint hint hint.;) lol

Thanks Sean.


Bob Borzelleri
02-20-2010, 7:45 PM
Bob - very nice start on a goblet! To finish turn it I would use a recess in the foot area and a steady rest to support the turning while hollowing. No big deal... always options when you stop to think about it!

Nice work!

Thanks Steve. Would I mount the cup in a Cole Jaw in order to cut the recess in the foot?


Jeff Rich
02-20-2010, 8:05 PM
This looks like a design opportunity!
Come up with a chuck to grip the bowl to hollow it out...
Actually that may be just busy work......
Looks good though!

Roger Chandler
02-20-2010, 8:11 PM
Hello all,

this particular thread hits home for me. I have had a few times when I wanted to turn, but just did not know what I wanted to accomplish when I chucked up a blank. I'm sure I'm probably the only one that has ever done this:o

Where do you guys go for inspiration? How many of you turn a lot just to hone your skills, or keep in practice and how many of you think long and hard about a special piece of wood, and how you are going to turn a "masterpiece?"

Some of you,where I have seen the work you've posted, have shown moments of inspiration and excellence of execution, and I wonder is that is something that you are born with, or is it something anyone can develop, or a little of both?

Steve Schlumpf
02-20-2010, 8:19 PM
You may have to stack the bumpers on the Cole jaw to get them to grab - but that is what I would do. Make sure you use a steady to support the goblet while creating the recess.

Bernie Weishapl
02-20-2010, 8:21 PM
Roger I do chuck up a lot of scrap wood and just practice. Maybe a cut with a skew or a spindle gouge. I have a bowl full of finials that I just kept doing till I had a design and look that I like. When I am shopping with the wife I do a lot of looking at different vessels and their forms in the stores. Sometimes I have a thought of what I want other times I just let the wood show me. Yes you can definitely develop your skills with lots of practice.

John Keeton
02-20-2010, 8:22 PM
Pretty neat, Bob!! You could always drill half dozen holes in the top at different angles, stuff in some silk flowers and set it up high on the mantle!! Nobody will know.:cool:

.....HEY JOHN! I THINK SEAN IS TALKING TO YOU!:DBob, I think you are the king of mallets and goblets!!:D I just do ugly platters!!

BTW, I love my Thompson detail gouge, and I am sure you will enjoy yours as well!

Roger Chandler
02-20-2010, 8:40 PM
Roger I do chuck up a lot of scrap wood and just practice. Maybe a cut with a skew or a spindle gouge. I have a bowl full of finials that I just kept doing till I had a design and look that I like. When I am shopping with the wife I do a lot of looking at different vessels and their forms in the stores. Sometimes I have a thought of what I want other times I just let the wood show me. Yes you can definitely develop your skills with lots of practice.

Hi Bernie,

I have a number of black walnut logs, and a few wild cherry, that I have yet to decide how to turn them, or even what I want to make them into. I don't have this problem with flat work. when I go to build kitchen cabinets, or a bookcase or some other thing, it pretty much is out of a need, and the design ideas flow from the need.

I find that is not the case with turning. All of this wood is pretty stuff, and I want to make them into beautiful things that I would be proud of, and if given away, speak of my skill and creativity. I have turned a number of different shaped bowls, and have done some small boxes, and a very little hollow form turning, but that is where my inclinations are going as well as segmented turnings.

These 40 or so blanks don't lend themselves to segmented work, unless I cut them into boards, give them the requisite time to dry, and then plane them. A long and tedious process, which I am capable of doing, however, I don't have but a small amount of space I can devote to lumber storage.

Walt Helms
02-20-2010, 8:56 PM
That goblet is definitely more-than-half full! :D

I agree with Mr. Keeton's suggestion...couple of angled holes in the top and you've got yourself a conversation piece!

Eric Kosanovich
02-20-2010, 9:49 PM
What about a donut? or is that dumb?

Bob Borzelleri
02-20-2010, 11:06 PM
What about a donut? or is that dumb?

I don't know. I stopped eating donuts shortly after Krispy Kreme started posting their ingredients.:D

OTOH, if you are talking about a woodturning term of art, I'm all ears. Pretty much every term that people use to describe the next most needed woodturning gadget is new to me.

Bob Borzelleri
02-20-2010, 11:07 PM
You may have to stack the bumpers on the Cole jaw to get them to grab - but that is what I would do. Make sure you use a steady to support the goblet while creating the recess.

Thanks Steve. Off to Woodcraft to get their $42 steady rest tomorrow.


Eric Kosanovich
02-21-2010, 12:32 AM
Bob its called a Donut chuck and you make them for the most part here is a pic and the instructions http://www.turnedwood.com/Centering%20Donut%20Chuck/donut30.jpg
read the part about "Centering Donut Chuck for Reverse Turning"
if you dont have the chuck this guy has just use your chuck with the Donut you make.

Hope this helps

Bob Borzelleri
02-21-2010, 1:11 PM

Thanks for the link. Not only have I learned about different method of mounting semi finished stuff, but I also found, at that site, a reference to shop made graduated calipers that I had once seen but had lost the link. Thanks again.


Jim Underwood
02-21-2010, 2:31 PM
Man, what I would do to get a mallet and goblet from one of you guys who've bought a lathe from me, hint hint hint.;) lol

What would you do to get a mallet and a goblet from one of us? Hmmmm?:confused:

Inquiring minds want to know....:D;)