View Full Version : What kind of contributors part 2

Lori Kleinberg
02-20-2010, 11:32 AM
Didn't want to hijack the current thread running in the Turning Forum, so I thought I would start my own thread.
I believe SMC is filled with helpful people :). When I ask a question, there are always responses, most everyone here is more then willing to share
their woodworking knowledge.
My 2 most recent experiences; Dennis Kranz has invited/offered to help me learn about turning pens and discuss woodworking in general.
I think it is great when someone offers to help even inviting you to their home to teach you :cool:. Dennis if you are reading this I will be in touch.
The other recent experience was when I posted about a good wood buy, Dan Forman offered to help "store" :rolleyes:anything that wouldn't fit in my garage.
I mean how helpful is that :D

Kent A Bathurst
02-20-2010, 11:47 AM
You bet!!. Great folks all over the place. I just bought a bandsaw part from Mike Cutler, and he gave me a series of tips, do's & dont's, etc that were way outside the topic at hand - my BS is about to become a much more active part of the game, thanks to Mike. In the middle of the PM conversation he told me he had to go to work to test out the rod drive system on a nuke plant. Ummmm....ahhhh....okey-doke.....that means I'd tend to believe whatever he told me about a BS. Thanks again, Mike.

glenn bradley
02-20-2010, 12:21 PM
I bought my large bandsaw from a Creeker and what a great guy. We swapped local sources for tools and materials and visited each others shops till he moved too far away. Generally a great group here.

Downside - A Creeker took $370 from my 84 year old dad and never delivered the promised merchandise. He's on the other side of the country and currently being chased by so many other victims we have to wait in line for a chance at him.

Lori Kleinberg
02-20-2010, 1:46 PM
Glenn, sorry to hear about that. It is unfortunate that there is scum all over. My husband got ripped off (luckily it was just a few bucks)by someone that works
for the same company as him but in a different state.
There is no one person or place that is immune to this. That was part of my concern when I recently posted about the wood purchase.
For the most part I believe people are good, just a few that ruin it for everyone else, as in you will think twice before buying again in the same type of situation.

After I read that other post, I didn't want to take anything away from that one so I thought I would start my own thread, open to all, to compliment all(most:mad:) the
helpful, caring people we have here at the creek

glenn bradley
02-20-2010, 1:50 PM
Didn't mean to bend the tone of the thread. I have had a lot of great fun here and learned many things. Kudos to the mods and the folks running the show for their efforts. Whenever this many folks gather you are bound to have differing opinions and that's half the value; seeing things from another person's point of view.

Keith Outten
02-21-2010, 3:18 AM
Remember that Contributors have been verified here because they have made financial transactions with us.

A large number of Members are not using their real names. Keep this in mind when you consider a monetary transaction and be cautious.

Glen Butler
02-21-2010, 4:36 AM
I had a similar experience recently. Brent Ring offered to let me in on his source for some really inexpensive wood. He went out of his way to meet me on a brisk, snowy saturday morning, helped me unstack the top bunk to get to the one underneath and helped haul it all to my truck (650 bd.ft.) He even cared as much as I did to stack it neatly for maximum hauling. He asked nothing in return, just had me bring a check made out to the owner of the wood. What a great guy. How can you not become a contributor after something like that?

Jason Hanko
02-21-2010, 11:47 AM
I think SMC is easily the best forum on the interweb. Most everybody is very polite, helpful, and extremely forthcoming with a vast amount of knowledge. You can really tell that the contributors here are genuinely enthusiastic about our craft, and just want to help spread that excitement and enjoyment that we get from woodworking.
I think what really sets SMC apart from the other forums out there (including non-woodworking related sites) is the respect and civility show by almost everyone. On the rare occasion that I surf woodnet or somewhere, Im always shocked by the number of "flamers" who will jump on a thread just to criticize another post and try to insult people or start fights. There is relatively very little of that here (should we just ban all Festool threads?:rolleyes:) - most everybody acts like this is a community that they live in. Every time I have seen a negative post or rant of un-constructive critisizm here on SMC, it is invariably immediately followed by several people chastising the negative poster until an apology (or at least a more civil explanation of their position) is issued.