View Full Version : Waders Weekend Accomplishments...

Dennis Peacock
03-31-2003, 9:05 AM
OK....another weekend has come and gone.....

I didn't get any "real" shop time this weekend since I worked my "real" job pretty much around the clock from Wednesday of last week up until near midnight last night (Sunday). I just love putting in enough hours in one week to have worked just over TWO normal weeks of work.....and just think....I get paid the SAME <B>no matter how many hours I work!!!</b> I am glad I have a job and a regular paycheck.....it's just that <b>sometimes</b> I have my fill......

Gotta spend this week getting ready for my cyclone installation this coming weekend...if I can get well enough by then.

Best of Weeks

Bud Duffy
03-31-2003, 10:12 AM
I am glad to see i am not the only one to not get shop time this wknd. the clutch fell off the A/C on my truck friday so saturday morning i went to town (60miles) and got parts then changed the compressor and flushed the system,then serviced it all back up. this took all day so sunday i was planning on changing the transmission oil and filter anyway . the blower motor on the A /C started making an ungodly racket so i pulled that apart and lubed the bearings but, you cant just unbolt the motor you have to pull the dash all apart just to do it. being that this was the most beautiful weekend all winter i got all done about 2 hours before dark, the dog and i went out to the back yard driving range/ rifle range and whacked a few golf balls to relieve a little frustration and to enjoy what was lrft of an other wise perfect weekend. :) Ps. I did manage to get the keyboard shelf made for the desk and installed tho.

Lee Schierer
03-31-2003, 10:55 AM
I managed a few hours in the shop. I got the entire cabinet for the small wall cabinet I posted the drawing of done. Need to find the right hinges for the job now. Hope I have't painted myself into a corner.

Stopped at HD to get some #4 x 1/2 woodscrews I needed, LOML decided we needed to paint the basement walls too, so we walked out with 4 gallons of paint. That took most of hte afternoon on Sunday. Still need more paint so that job can get finished.

Ed Falis
03-31-2003, 11:01 AM
Made my first raised panel - lid for a poplar "joint sampler" box.

- Ed

David Hayes
03-31-2003, 11:08 AM
Went to Nashville for the wood show but stopped at a woodworking store on the way. Delta & Makita reps were on hand. The store had 10% off everything - so I couldn't help myself. Got the Delta mortising machine (free??? Delta hat thrown in). When LOML was telling the Makita rep about my delaying of refurbing/adding on to our deck, he advised her that the SCMS 1013 would help prompt me to get underway. Her response was - get that too! Just a little gloat! The Makita rep then threw in their 1/4" shank five piece router bits (no hats). Needless to say - the wallet was thin by the time I got to the wood show. At the show, picked up some UHMW zero clearance inserts for the bandsaw.
Spent Sunday unpacking new toys and trying to find a place for them.

Phil Phelps
03-31-2003, 11:45 AM
...still on the shed. Had a couple of boards from the 70's. 23"x 16' ponderosa pine that I cut into 1x4's. Great Dallas weather, shoulda' played golf.

Ron Taylor
03-31-2003, 12:46 PM
I know, I know... I'm already in the penalty box for overgloating, but this one includes a minor rant.

The two-ton overhead crane I installed in the ceiling of the drive-in bay of my shop came in handy with the Griz 1023z. Since the big truck can't get to my shop, I had the tool delivered to my regular work location to use the forklift to move the saw from the delivery truck to my pickup. Back at the shop, I lifted the saw off the pickup onto a roll-around base for locating in the shop.

Unpacking and locating the saw went well with the help of my son. I don't recommend setting this saw up without help, especially if locating is difficult. It is HEAVY.

Set-up was very straight forward until I came to the power switch. The instructions were very clear with pictures... But, the pics show the mag switch mounted to a "Z" bracket, which is hung to a flat-head, counter-sunk screw in the apron of the table. My first indication that something didn't match was the "L" bracket that the furnished switch assembly was mounted on.

There was NO WAY to mount that sucker on the table!!!!!

After about an hour of frustration, I gave up and called tech-support. Kudos to Griz for having qualified tech-support on duty at 3:00 P.M. on Saturday afternoon even if I did have to drop the nickle and wait nearly 15 minutes for the technician to come on line.

It only took him about 15 seconds to explain the problem. Since Griz started providing the ShopFox fence on the "Z", the mounting procedure for the switch has changed. It now mounts with two machine screws to the ShopFox rails instead of to the main saw table. The needed hardware is in the fence box which I had not yet opened. They have not yet gotten around to putting an errata sheet in with the assembly instructions. BIG oversight in my opinion.

Nevertheless, all's well that ends well, and the rest of the assembly went great. By days end, the entire saw was assembled, checked out, dialed in, and ready to make sawdust.

I was tired and hurting. The process would normally have taken a couple of hours, but severe arthritis makes it diffiult to lift, bend, and squat like I used to. It took me the day.

Sunday morning, I wired in the L6-20 with #10 wire to a dedicated 20 amp breaker, plugged her in and fired her up.

What a beautiful hum. She passed the nickle test, and just for good measure, the penny test.

Out of the box, the table flatness including extension wings showed no more than .0015" deviation. Blade to fence and blade to miter slot were flat on my dial indicator.

I'm really happy so for with the Grizzly.

keith zimmerman
03-31-2003, 1:01 PM
LOML worked double Thursday and Friday nights so she slept an extended amount of time trying to recover, limiting my time in the shop. All I managed to do was complete the insulation of the shop except for the rakes on the two end walls.

I am now ready to shop for the wall covering.

I also did a bit of work on a dry ash bowl I started. Man, that wood is hard.

Randy Miller
03-31-2003, 1:04 PM
Between all the running around with kids, and repainting of the family room. I got all of 3 hours real shop time in. Rough turned a 10" mulberry bowl and a 6" cherry. Also honed up some of my skew work by making another "magic wand" from some scrap cherry.

In all I think I spent more time cleaning my shop than making anything. :(

Still, cleaning the shop is more fun than painting!

Tom Sweeney
03-31-2003, 3:10 PM
And that's pretty good for me lately.

I started taking apart my freebie drill press. I took off the power control & started taking the motor off to replace it with a 1/2 HP 120 motor. Unfortunately my tools are scattered over 3 properties so I couldn't find an allen wrench to take off the motor pulley. I'll get back to it this week. I'm hoping it will work fine even though there is a little slop in the quill bearing (?)

Started working on a cherry & maple cutting board. I got most of the pieces cut but I need to face glue a couple of pieces of maple & then cut them down to get the right thickness.

The weather was pretty lousy & I had to do a lot of running around errands so I didn't get as much done as I could have. Oh yeah minor gloat - I ordered 4 - 24" bar clamps & T handle allen wrenches, that I can keep handy, from HF - Price was right so I couldn't pass them up.

Have a great week! :D

Dr. Zack Jennings
03-31-2003, 4:46 PM
I ate a the Whole Thang !

<center>This Hawg won Grand Champion at the Ozark Hawg BBQ Festival in Batesville, Arkansas.
Ain't she purdy ? Taste goo00000oood too.

<img src="http://www.zackjennings.com/1/1827HawgBBQ.jpg">

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
03-31-2003, 9:01 PM
Demonstrated caning at a festival and Saturday was cold, frosted that night, and windy. Sunday was beautiful Supposed to be 100 degrees this week. That is Texas weather fir you.

Bruce Page
03-31-2003, 9:08 PM
The wife & I spent most of Saturday kicking tires before coming home with a new car for her. Her '89 mazda 626 is on it's last legs.
Then I spent Sunday doing yardwork.:mad:

I sure hope next weekend goes better - I know it will be less expensive!

Jim Baker
03-31-2003, 9:10 PM
I had to work Saturday morning so I didn't get in as much shop time as I wanted to.

I assembled and sanded several raised panel doors. I'm hoping to get the finish on them this week.

John Miliunas
03-31-2003, 10:15 PM
Ended up doing very little actual shop time. Finished installing trim on a couple windows, caulked same, honed up a couple router bits from a recent auction find. The one thing I think I hate worse than drywall work is plumbing and that's what I ended up doing the bulk of Sunday. Got the bulk of my daughter's computer reconfigured...'Bout ready to hand it over to her. Unexpected visits from a couple friends and that pretty much took care of the weekend. Hopefully more productive next weekend. :cool:

Jeff Cybulski
03-31-2003, 10:17 PM
Made the top for the wife's dresser - came out good for a newbie. After matching the stain, which took way to long, I was able to clean up the shop and plane down some boards from an old maple dresser.

Have a safe week.

Jim Becker
03-31-2003, 10:30 PM
Got the shop cleaned as promised to be ready for my upcoming cabinetmaking binge, made a mealworm feeder for the bluebirds and got started on some framing stock for the hand-made tiles we picked up in Sedona NM last spring on vacation.