View Full Version : Water Stones plus Scary Sharp

Peter Bell
02-17-2010, 10:04 PM
This may seem like a stupid question but it is the predicament I am in at the moment.

As I am in Australia I sometimes order tools etc from Woodcraft in Orange County, L.A. which my daughter brings back for me as she is there quite often as part of her job. Unfortunately I have a 4000 grit ordered but she tells me she does not know when her next trip will be so that has blown that idea. The stones are available here but the price is over the top, so I will have to wait.

I have a 1000 grit waterstone and intended to get the 4000 and a 8000. I am really pleased with the 1000 grit. What I wanted to know is it possible to incorporate a 1000 grit waterstone into a scary sharp system in the mean time.

If so, can anybody give a guesstimate what a 1000 grit would equate to in silicon carbide ( wet & dry paper ) so I can experiment or is their some non obvious reason to me as to why this idea is not feasible and it is either one or the other but not a combination.



Joel Goodman
02-17-2010, 10:19 PM
Yes you can mix and match as long as you progress from coarse to fine. http://home.comcast.net/~rexmill/sharpening/grit_sizes/Abrasive_grit_sizes.htm
will tell you how the sandpaper and waterstone grading works.

Jim Koepke
02-18-2010, 1:19 PM
Here is another chart, when one is sailing through information one can not have enough charts:

