View Full Version : wood finish, toxicity

mike bunch
02-17-2010, 11:22 AM
I'm looking for any info about Behlen Woodturners Finish. I get very nice results on the lathe, but I would like to know if anyone has encountered any um, er, gastrointestinal effects from using it. I haven't been that concerned about getting it on my hands, and I have a pretty decent ventilation system. I looked at the MSDS sheet on the product, and, while most of it is written for rocket scientists, it does make it clear enough that getting it on your skin is not a real good idea. Anyone have any experience with this product? Thanks...

Jamie Buxton
02-17-2010, 11:44 AM
The product is a shellac. The cured film should have no gastrointestinal issues. The solvents (which evaporate off during curing) are not so benign. While I'm applying it, I'd wear those thin disposable gloves, and have some ventilation. But if you're just padding it on a small turning, there's not much solvent to worry about.

(BTW, the largest use of shellac is not as a wood finish, but as a coating for pills. Of course, it is pharmaceutical-grade purity, but it is the same stuff you're putting on your wood.)

mike bunch
02-17-2010, 12:09 PM
Jamie...thanks for the feedback. I'm pretty careful when I use anything flammable or toxic, I guess I need to get over the hassle factor and use the rubber gloves....