View Full Version : Cherry Cabinet.

gary Zimmel
02-15-2010, 7:23 PM
Good Day to the Creek!

I've had some extra material kicking around from my Neander Corner build.
With this material I threw together a small cherry cabinet.

A few pieces of plywood for the carcass.


And a bit of cherry to trim it out.

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Next were the doors.

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And the project is starting to take shape.
For this cabinet I wanted to add extra storage so I incorporated storage in both sides

Next on the agenda will be my drawers.


gary Zimmel
02-15-2010, 7:36 PM
Three drawers, with hand cut half blinds.
A practice one for good luck....
Poplar for the sides. Which I don't like working with as it is too soft.

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And this one is now close to being put into service.


This will be used as a stand for my midi lathe.
The lathe tools will be housed in the ends.


And my finished midi lathe cabinet feeling right at home beside her big brother....


Tis the season to continue my never ending shop upgrade...


John Keeton
02-15-2010, 7:42 PM
Too pretty to use and abuse, Gary!! That certainly is fitting with the Neander corner, and very functional, too.

So, is the TV cabinet next on the list???

gary Zimmel
02-15-2010, 7:49 PM
Thanks John.

And yes it's TV cabinet time next.
I got the dimensions for the TV I want to use today.
The parts for that cabinet will be started tonight...

Salem Ganzhorn
02-15-2010, 8:06 PM
Oh my that is nice! I like the style and the execution looks good too. But really move that thing inside it is way to nice for a lathe stand :).

Tom Winship
02-15-2010, 8:39 PM
Great job and I love those small hand cut HB's. Too pretty to put in a shop.

Shawn Christ
02-15-2010, 8:53 PM
Seriously? For the lathe????? Get that beauty out of your shop. I don't own a single piece of furniture that nice.

Jim Barrett
02-15-2010, 9:59 PM
Nice looking cabinet...can you do those DT's with your eyes closed?? :)


Joe A Faulkner
02-15-2010, 10:04 PM
Gary, what a beautiful piece. I was just admiring your Neander Haven project the other night. I dream of some day branching out to to “Neander” techniques. I’m curious about your doors. Did you use “hand tools” to create the grove in your styles and rails? I’m also interested in your door panels. Are these solid? If so, how did you join up the panels?
I remeber reading a few years ago that a shop should be a place you look forward to returning to time after time. I think it is great that your shop features fine pieces of workmanship. Thanks for sharing.

Jim Becker
02-15-2010, 10:07 PM
Really nice work!!

gary Zimmel
02-15-2010, 10:33 PM
Thanks for the comments guys.

Joe the 1/4" grooves for the doors were done on the tablesaw as were the tenons.
The flat panels are solid cherry not quite 1/2" thick.
I fit them on my router table and float them.
And I agree about the shop.
Mine has been a never ending upgrade.
I do a few pieces of furniture for our home and do a little upgrade in my shop.

Ben Martin
02-15-2010, 11:14 PM

You can't make guys like me keep on looking bad! I can barely find time to make furniture and you are making shop stands that are nicer than furniture! :D

That looks awesome! I really like the combo and will keep an eye out for your TV stand build, because a Cherry Shaker-esque stand is in the "queue" for the upstairs.

Once again, just beautiful!

John A. Callaway
02-16-2010, 12:14 AM
great time of day.... you are truly a skilled fella. I am envious of your talent, skills, and your shop.

Really great work. The neander corner is awe inspiring...

John Thompson
02-16-2010, 1:30 PM
Great job on the lathe cabinet Gary... to put that much effort into a lathe cabinet is above the standard call of duty and probably reflects your attitude about building a piece in general.

Extremely well done...

Jerry Olexa
02-20-2010, 11:39 AM
Had a similar experience...Built a cherry shop cabinet from scraps. My spouse liked it so much , it was placed in the den upstairs. Very nice work!!!

Van Huskey
02-20-2010, 4:51 PM
Really nice, almost too nice...:D

mreza Salav
02-21-2010, 12:20 AM
Hey Garry, that looks great; maybe too nice for the shop! it could be in a living room ;)

Joe Leigh
02-21-2010, 8:04 AM
I said it before but it deserves repeating, the best hand cut dovetails on the Creek!
Beautiful job....

Ramsey Ramco
02-21-2010, 9:05 AM
:eek:WOW! looks great, I couldn't leave that in the shop though!

Ed Sallee
02-22-2010, 6:39 AM
Very nice, Gary... I can't imagine having something like that in my shop... that baby would be moved in to the house... lathe and all, if necessary... :D