View Full Version : floor coating

sam myers
02-15-2010, 2:08 AM
I need to coat a 600 sq. foot garage/shop with epoxy or some similar garage floor coating. I do need to be able to park cars on it (not my fault.) Does anyone have recommendations. I am looking to stay around $200.
Thanks for any input.

Greg Woloshyn
02-15-2010, 2:15 PM
I bought my rustoleum epoxy coat kit from home depot for $100. It will cover 500 square feet. So, if you were to buy 2 kits you could cover your 600 sq ft space with 2 coats for extra protection.

Neil Brooks
02-15-2010, 2:51 PM
Yup. I've heard good things about the HD kits.

Neil Davie
02-16-2010, 9:45 AM
I have used the rustoleum kit for a garage floor with great results. I have also used the one part epoxy covering with less than happy results - poor coverage requiring enough extra coats to bring the cost up to the 2 part and poor smoothing of any rough concrete.
Either gives a vast improvement in keeping the floor clean and the person that kneels on it.

Tracy Work
02-19-2010, 5:27 PM
Just FYI, Rustoleum makes two garage floor epoxy products -- their standard version and then you'll find a 'professional grade' version. The latter is a two part epoxy. Not too much more expensive. I've used both and the two-part version definitely stands up better over the long term. I put it on the floor of my 1500 sq ft shop that does double duty as woodshop and automotive playground. I've had transmission fluid and oil sitting directly on the floor for over 6 months and it just wiped up with Dawn and Simple Green with no damage to the epoxy.

I need to coat a 600 sq. foot garage/shop with epoxy or some similar garage floor coating. I do need to be able to park cars on it (not my fault.) Does anyone have recommendations. I am looking to stay around $200.
Thanks for any input.

02-21-2010, 6:10 PM
We put down Quickcrete 2-part expoxy last summer in ours and top coated with the sealer; all purchased at Lowes. It seems to hold; looks nice. We used the same for an employee room at work but have experienced several small areas that came up even though we did the preparation exactly by the book. Last weekend we put down some Sherwin Williams ArmourSeal 1000 (2-part expoxy) in another room (actually the third coat over time). The Sherwin Williams is far, far superior product but costs more. In fact, we're evaluating the possibility of putting it over the Quickcrete in the one room. The only reason we didn't go with Sherwin Williams first (including my garage) was they only had a few standard colors. Recently, they came up with ability to do custom colors. Bottomline, Sherwin Williams ArmourSeal 1000 is the way to go if it fits the budget. Others might work, but I see as a bit of gamble.

02-21-2010, 8:00 PM

I used the Rustoleum also and cant say enough good things about it. Ive had every fluid imaginable and including blood, coffee, beer and other things that should never end up on a garage floor. Everything wipes off super easy even after sitting for a few days. When I painted mine I tried to be cheap and didnt put the paint on as thick as I should have and it has still held up over the last 5 years. Before you spend any money on anything you need to make sure you dont have any moisture seeping up through the slab. If you do the paint wont last long and it will just flake off over time. There is a simple test you can do and you can find instructions for this on the Rustoleum web site.