View Full Version : Short video: Outtakes & Oopsies

Bob Hamilton
02-15-2010, 1:11 AM
I uploaded this one a week or so back but I hadn't posted a link to it. It is just a short compilation of a few less than memorable moments.... :)


Take care

alex carey
02-15-2010, 1:21 AM
haha good stuff, I like your "senior moment" as you called it. Don't worry your not the only one who has them.

David Walser
02-15-2010, 1:23 AM

It takes a big man to laugh at himself and an even bigger man to allow others to laugh, too!

will sands
02-15-2010, 4:57 AM
Bob, it's good to start the day with a chuckle. Now I can smile all day and try not to create more material for your "oops" video. thanks


Steve Mawson
02-15-2010, 6:41 AM
All good but I like the last one. I believe you did get it too thin. I also believe I have seen that before---guess who did it:eek::eek:

Matt Newton
02-15-2010, 7:33 AM
Thanks Bob for the laugh. I really needed it. It's good to know that those things happen to others and not just me.

Gary Simmons
02-15-2010, 7:53 AM
Hey Bob... that was great... thanks for sharing. Its nice to see that someone who makes incredible stuff still makes mistakes like I do...

I dont feel as frustrated when I see it can happen to anyone...thanks again.

Mark Hazelden
02-15-2010, 8:29 AM
Here I thought I was the only one that had moments like that.:)

Thanks for sharing and making me smile.


Baxter Smith
02-15-2010, 8:32 AM
Thanks, makes me want to go right out to the shop and try my own versions of those.!:)

David Christopher
02-15-2010, 8:44 AM
Bob, that just made my morning...LOL

glad to see Im not the only that stabs himself with a chisel

Bill Bulloch
02-15-2010, 9:24 AM
That looks like a typical day in my shop. But, we can look forward to the rewarding moments and -- "How sweet it is when something goes right".

Jack Gaskins
02-15-2010, 10:16 AM
Thanks Bob, made me laugh so hard I was cryin :).

Bill Bolen
02-15-2010, 10:26 AM
I'm still grinning. All I can think is been there, done that...Bill...

Robert McGowen
02-15-2010, 11:32 AM
I have done quite a few of those myself, but they seemed so much funnier when you were doing them! Thanks for the video.

Jeff Paxton
02-15-2010, 12:56 PM

I must admit I laughed like crazy watching those, not so much at you, but with you. Believe it or not, those really encouraged me. I thought I was the only one who messed up like that. I messed up what was to be a beautiful walnut bowl over the weekend by getting it too thin. Got to get some good calipers some day. Thanks for all your videos, they really are a great help. We really do appreciate all the time you put into producing them!


Bernie Weishapl
02-15-2010, 2:11 PM
LOL....Bob thanks for sharing. All I could think like Bill was been there, done that. Don't ya just hate those senior moments.:mad::D:D

Scott Hackler
02-15-2010, 2:26 PM
Good stuff. I could make one of these videos pretty easy, as well. Only difference would be the addition of a beep over my voice, directly following the goof up!

I really laughed at the "the outside should be bigger than the inside" comment!

kevin loftus
02-15-2010, 2:53 PM
Nice one Bob, when's "Bob's Bloopers 2" coming out then?:D

Rob Holcomb
02-15-2010, 5:34 PM
Too Funny! That would be me. I hope those mistakes were made over a period of days/weeks. I don't know how you kept your cool though. If it had been me, I'd turn off the tools, go inside, crack open a beer and wait for another day to continue. Then again, if I had a day like that, I'd be afraid I'd cut myself opening the twist cap on the bottle.

Matt Ranum
02-15-2010, 5:54 PM
I'm impressed I didn't here a single ...bleep... now if that would have been in my shop it would have been sorta like ...SON OF A bleep...bleep..bleep...etc.etc.etc.:p I tend to have a mouth on me when I get ticked.

I always enjoy your videos and its nice to know even the best of us have days like that.

Thanks for sharing that.

James Roberts
02-15-2010, 6:03 PM
Thanks for the laugh, Bob. At least now I know that my mistakes and accidents aren't "just me bein' me" and I can now laugh at myself a little easier. I enjoy just about all of your videos but this is one I will refer to often when I start to take myself too seriously.

John Keeton
02-15-2010, 8:05 PM
...a few less than memorable moments.... :)Not now, Bob!!! And, this is the number one reason I do not allow cameras in my shop!! I don't need any of my stunts memorialized for all time!:o:o:D

Thanks for the footage, Bob! Made for some good laughs and recollections of similar times in the Keeton shop.

Jim Underwood
02-15-2010, 8:21 PM
Ain't that special!


Loved it Bob. Thanks for the chuckles.

Steve Schlumpf
02-15-2010, 9:44 PM
Bob - thanks for sharing! Haven't stabbed myself with a skew yet but have sliced my finger trying to clear shavings out of my swept back bowl gouge! Ah.... did it more than once! Those things are sharp!

Dave Carey
02-16-2010, 9:55 AM
I'm just glad there's no video camera in MY shop! I've learned a lot from all of Bob's videos, and I love his willingness to show us the "other side." A great show.

Allen Neighbors
02-16-2010, 11:58 AM
You're a gem, Bob! Thanks for sharing those moments with all of us... good to keep us humble, and help us all to laugh at ourselves! I also enjoy all of your videos, and have learned a lot from you.