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View Full Version : Getting motivated/creative

Steve Rozmiarek
02-14-2010, 3:08 PM
I'm curious what some of you do to get motivated to be creative in the shop. I've been in a funk all winter, and it's seriously getting old. I know it's probably because of my stupid job's stress, but maybe someone can offer an idea to jumpstart the creative side of a brain. Thoughts?

Chuck Wintle
02-14-2010, 3:13 PM
I'm curious what some of you do to get motivated to be creative in the shop. I've been in a funk all winter, and it's seriously getting old. I know it's probably because of my stupid job's stress, but maybe someone can offer an idea to jumpstart the creative side of a brain. Thoughts?
Creative funks are common. The creative spirit comes and goes, like the seasons, and that after a dry spell, a renewal of spirit must follow. Some of the most creative minds in the world had their own down time so to speak. Of course it could be the bleak winter that does not help either.

Steve Schlumpf
02-14-2010, 3:20 PM
You have a great looking lathe - I would go turn something - anything and just play with form. Something will come to you in the process - you just have to get started!

Mitchell Andrus
02-14-2010, 3:44 PM
Get a hammer and clobber the crap out of a table or chair or something and make a new one before the wife gets home. Motivation.

Joe Pelonio
02-14-2010, 3:58 PM
Go to a show, and see what others are doing that you could do better.

I guess it's not a good time of year or that though.

Stephen Tashiro
02-14-2010, 6:45 PM
Having enthusiasm for a project depends on being able to completely underestimate the difficulty of carrying it out. The way to develop such unrealistic optimism is to get plenty of sleep and be successful in other ventures. I think you put you finger on your problem when you mentioned the stress of your job. There is a stereotypical image of the would be artist, writer or singer working as a waiter or waitress. It might help you if you cultivated that outlook. "I'll be putting down this flooring for you today, but I'm really an artist."

Mike Henderson
02-14-2010, 7:01 PM
The thing that brings out my creativity is to have a difficult problem that I'm interested in. For example, a while back my wife asked me to design a kitchen table - but it had a bunch of constraints. So I did a lot of research on what other people had done and finally came up with my own design for a table that met our needs. It expands but is completely self contained.

Picture here (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/ExpandingTable.htm). I really like the design and think it's very practical. I'd like to have more challenges like that.


Myk Rian
02-14-2010, 7:08 PM
I need a project also. Got so desperate I made a shelf box for my NASCAR models.

Steve Rozmiarek
02-16-2010, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the ideas guys. Mike, your table has me thinking, which is a start. Thanks for posting! Maybe I'll just try to be a little patient, and quit trying to force the creativity.

Bryan Morgan
02-17-2010, 5:39 PM
Wife says build, you build... :)

Bruce (Jack) Campbell
02-17-2010, 9:08 PM
My bank manager makes sure I stay creative..... well maybe productive.

Chris Ricker
02-17-2010, 10:55 PM
sometimes action leads to motivation.
just start something without a plan and see what develops

it usually works for me,
just a thought.
Good luck:)

curtis rosche
02-17-2010, 11:07 PM
motivation? check out www.despair.com (http://www.despair.com) great motivational site :P

Mike Cruz
02-17-2010, 11:32 PM
Find something around the house that is NOT made of wood...and see if you can make it (out of wood).

Paul Atkins
02-18-2010, 2:06 AM
I do this for a living and still get into funks once and awhile. Today I had to be a landlord and plumber knowing I had to make a moulding with a 2' radius, yet I kept thinking about the cedar chest trays I've been planning to do. The temperature was 70 degrees and the almonds are starting to bloom and the dog has cabin fever. Hmm, must be a sign on spring. Hang in there, soon there will be too many ideas to deal with.

Mike Cruz
02-18-2010, 6:44 AM
Spring, huh? Tell that to the 18" of snow we STILL have on the ground... :(

Don Jarvie
02-18-2010, 12:02 PM
Any pieces of furniture you have been meaning to make? Any spots in the house a table or chair may look good in?

Been meaning to build that new tool cabinet for the shop or draws for the table that you made and have been meaning to add the draws and doors for?