View Full Version : Hollow Form #4 - Redo

Michael E. Thompson
02-13-2010, 6:15 PM
Last week I posted a couple pix of a hf I did and got some feedback that the base was not very good looking. Well I decided to fix the problem. I returned to the lathe and removed the base, then made a pedestal from ebonized walnut. I need to do some sanding to the pedestal yet, but you should get the idea. Again please c&c.

I have included a link to the old thread to compare.


Steve Schlumpf
02-13-2010, 6:24 PM
That's quite the rework Michael! Very nice! Do you intend to turn a matching finial?

Michael E. Thompson
02-13-2010, 6:31 PM
Not sure about a finial yet. I may make one to see what it looks like. I like the way it looks now. Although, it may finish it off nicely. What do you think?


Steve Schlumpf
02-13-2010, 6:38 PM
You're asking the wrong guy cause I put finials on just about anything anymore. You have to look at the form and then imagine whether a finial will enhance the piece or not. Play with designs and then give it a try. Worse that can happen is you waste a little wood but get to spend some time on the lathe turning something different!

David E Keller
02-13-2010, 7:55 PM
Nicely done. I like it better now. I agree with giving the finial a go... You can always chuck it or use it for another piece if you don't like it.

Eric Kosanovich
02-13-2010, 8:06 PM
Ahhh Yes vary nice!!

Bernie Weishapl
02-13-2010, 8:26 PM
Great rework. IMHO I think a finial would finish it off nicely.

Roland Martin
02-13-2010, 9:18 PM
Nice change Mike. Much improved from the first shot. I agree that a finial is worth a try on this one.

Baxter Smith
02-13-2010, 9:51 PM
Will agree with the much improved. I like the shape and color of the base but to me it still looks top heavy. Maybe the same shape and color pedestal but just larger. Or adding a finial might help in that regard as well. Since you are way ahead of me, don't take my comments too seriously!:)

John Keeton
02-13-2010, 11:23 PM
Mike, the pedestal improved it considerably! I would consider doing a fairly "weighty" top lid, with a finial. That would take some of the mass upward, and might make the body look less imposing. You don't lose anything but some fun time on the lathe and a little wood!!

Michael E. Thompson
02-14-2010, 8:54 AM
Thanks for all the comments. You talked me into it, I will try the finial later today. I will post a pic when I get it done.


Michael E. Thompson
02-14-2010, 9:12 PM
OK, well I got the finial put on there. I don't love the shape, to me it needs a bit of refining and is a bit bulky. I have to say getting the right look is harder that is seems. Overall I am pretty please the with this HF. I think it is much better than where I had started. Again please give me your C&C. Looking forward to hearing from you all.


John Keeton
02-14-2010, 9:53 PM
Mike, the finial goes well with the base. My thought was to include a fairly thick, but tapered/sloped base for the finial, so that you "lifted" the shape of the form into a taller looking vessel.

But, this works, and does improve it a lot IMO. Nice job!

Michael E. Thompson
02-15-2010, 3:25 PM
[QUOTE=John Keeton;1344854]Mike, the finial goes well with the base. My thought was to include a fairly thick, but tapered/sloped base for the finial, so that you "lifted" the shape of the form into a taller looking vessel.



I read your post a couple times, I could not visualize what you were trying to say. Dimensionally, how thick are you thinking? Do you have a pic or an example that is simular that might help?

I think I have an idea of what you are trying to tell me, but I am just not there yet.
