View Full Version : Just Ordered a Lathe

Rich Aldrich
02-12-2010, 4:51 PM
I just ordered a Jet 1642 - 1 1/2 HP lathe from Amazon through the Sawmill Creek Amazon store. I hope Sawmill Creek gets credited properly.

I have never turned before, but I think I will like it. This is quite a starter lathe, but I don't expect to ever have to replace it.

Baxter Smith
02-12-2010, 4:57 PM
Congratulations. Turning is unique and can be quite addictive! Have fun with it.

Steve Schlumpf
02-12-2010, 5:02 PM
Congrats on taking the big step Rich! I think you made a wise choice and will appreciate the quality of the lathe for years to come!

When is the expected delivery? When you feel up to a road trip - stop in and we'll spent some time on the lathe!

Steve Vaughan
02-12-2010, 5:39 PM
here goes another one right into that...ah, vortex thing you call it? Have fun!

Bernie Weishapl
02-12-2010, 5:40 PM
Congrats Rich. Nothing quite like instant gratification when doing a project. I think you made a fine choice and will have years of fun.

John Keeton
02-12-2010, 5:52 PM
Rich, welcome to the dizzy side of woodworking!! Nice choice on the lathe, and you are probably right about not having to upgrade!!

charlie knighton
02-12-2010, 8:12 PM
congratulations, Rich, i would take Steve up on is offer, that is very kind of him

Donny Lawson
02-12-2010, 8:47 PM
Keep in mind that if you change your mind and decide you don't want the lathe that you can always foward it to my house LOL.:D Congrats on your new toy but remember to post pics when it comes in.

gary Zimmel
02-12-2010, 10:00 PM
Congrats on the new lathe Rich.
Make sure you give us a pic when you get it set up.

Rich Aldrich
02-12-2010, 10:07 PM
The lathe is scheduled for either Feb 19 or 22 as possible delivery dates.

I appreciate the offer Steve. Maybe we can get together next weekend or the followng. You had a big influence on the lathe I chose. Also, the issues that Grizzly has with the drive on the G0698 and the long delivery time really made my decision much easier.

So far, I picked up the Wolverine sharpening jig, vari-grind, and a set of Harbor freight HSS tools. Slowly, but surely, I will get set up.

Vince Welch
02-12-2010, 11:49 PM
Nice! You can get some things turned with that lathe.... Varible speed, reversible..etc etc...nice!

Rich Aldrich
02-18-2010, 8:20 PM
The lathe will be delivered to the paper mill tomorrow. I wont be home as my daughter has UP dive finals tomorrow, so this way I wont have to wait until Monday to get the lathe. When we come home tomorrow night, I will have to go into work to pick up my lathe. My dad has a covered trailer, so it wont be a problem getting it home. I will bring a camera and there will be pictures.

Robert Parrish
02-18-2010, 8:27 PM
Congrats Rich. I have a 1642 and really like it!

Bill Wilcox
02-18-2010, 9:01 PM
congrats Rich. My 1642 will be here on Tuesday. I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas Day. LOL

steven carter
02-19-2010, 10:15 AM
Congratulations Rich!

I am sure you will like it. I started out with a Jet 1236, then moved up to the 1642 - 1 1/2, and love it. BTW I used to work for Champion Paper company and visited the UP on many occasions in a town called Ontonagon. I really like the area and the people there were great!


Ken Fitzgerald
02-19-2010, 10:18 AM
Congratulations on the new lathe Rich! May it serve you well.

Steve Schlumpf
02-19-2010, 10:19 AM
Rich - Hope your daughter does well in the finals!

Looking forward to seeing the photos! Make sure you get some help when it comes time to set the lathe up. You can do it by yourself - a lot of us have - but it sure makes it easier with a little assistance!

Have fun!

Rich Aldrich
02-20-2010, 1:51 PM
I picked up the lathe at the paper mill last night after I got back from Marquette and diving finals.

Manistique High School took first in boys diving with our foreign exchange student, Simon Dalmon. He is a gymnist, but had never dove before coming to Manistique. He is quite good at the gymnastics part of the dive, so he became good quite quickly. On the girls side, Manistique took second and third, Daniel Reid took second, while my daughter, Emily took third. Of the top 4 girl divers, my daughter is the only one who is not graduating.

Anyway, on to the lathe. Attached are pictures of it this afternoon sitting on the trailer. I have to make room in the shop. I am completing a top for a hutch - the top of the bottom cabinet which also serves as the bottom for the top cabinet. I hope to deliver it just before dinner this evening, then clean up for the lathe.

Sorry about the white stuff in the back ground. My grandpa called it Lake Superior smog.

Rich Aldrich
02-20-2010, 1:52 PM
Rich - Hope your daughter does well in the finals!

Looking forward to seeing the photos! Make sure you get some help when it comes time to set the lathe up. You can do it by yourself - a lot of us have - but it sure makes it easier with a little assistance!

Have fun!

I have my dad, brother and daughters boyfriend available tonight, so it should happen tonight.

Rich Aldrich
02-21-2010, 4:53 PM
Finally, I delivered the other project that I just completed. We went with my daughter and her boyfriend to look at some property. At 3:15. my time was mine, so I cleaned out the spot for the lathe and started assembling.

I decided to put the feet on before putting the legs on the bed.

The Super Sawhorses really worked well for assistance in assembly.

Rich Aldrich
02-21-2010, 4:59 PM
Continuing with assembly, the third picture shows the guard. I wonder how long it will take before I loose the guard. I havent seen too many pictures of lathes with this guard. Assembly time was about 1 hour, taking my time.

It runs smooth and quiet. It seems strange because all of the other tools scream. Of course, when I have the dust collector running, this will be different.

I was a llittle bit concerned about the placement because I thought the table saw sliding table would be more in the way, but I dont see that as an issue.

Steve Schlumpf
02-21-2010, 5:02 PM
Looks great Rich - Congrats

Hope you get to take it for a test run real soon!

Just a reminder - the faceplate has a couple of set-screws that need attention before you can remove it - DAMHIKT!

Rich Aldrich
02-21-2010, 5:08 PM
Looks great Rich - Congrats

Hope you get to take it for a test run real soon!

Just a reminder - the faceplate has a couple of set-screws that need attention before you can remove it - DAMHIKT!


Thanks for the heads up. A lot of people must run into this problem because there is a sticker on the face plate that points that out. I decided to leave the sticker on for now. It will wear off, but by then I should know (doesnt mean I will remember).

Tony Pridmore
02-21-2010, 6:27 PM
Won't be long and that workbench with a sliding table will be slid up against the wall and the new lathe will be sitting out there in the open. :D