View Full Version : Plumbing question - toilet bowl level changes

Louis Brandt
02-11-2010, 7:29 PM

I’ve just installed a new toilet in one of our bathrooms. It’s a new 1.28 gallon flush model, and it works fine, except for one thing. When I flush it, the bowl sometimes refills to a higher level than at other times. The levels are both relatively low, since it’s a low water usage model, but I can’t understand why the bowl level changes from flush to flush.

My other toilet, the exact same model, always keeps the same level in the bowl after a flush.

Any ideas?


Bruce King
02-11-2010, 9:27 PM
It could be one of a few things, if the flush valve stays open longer at times it will have to refill the tank for a longer period which puts more water into the bowl during this phase.

Or the fill valve may not be shutting off at the same tank level each time which will cause the bowl level to vary too.

Some fill valves have a slide type pinch adjustment on the small tube that sends water to the bowl.

Myk Rian
02-11-2010, 10:57 PM
Make sure that small plastic tube is in the stand pipe in the tank.

Paul Steiner
02-11-2010, 11:25 PM
Is there a water saving device on the float valve? I recently replaced the mechanicals in 2 of toliets and both had water saving parts on the float. These cause filling problesm in the bowl and tank. I removed them and no more problem.

Prashun Patel
02-12-2010, 12:10 AM
That sounds like an issue with the float.

Is it the BOWL that fills to varying levels, or the TANK?

I'm guessing the float's just getting stuck on some flushes

Jim Koepke
02-12-2010, 3:57 AM
Is one of the toilets upstairs and one downstairs?

Another possibility is the vent pipe is clogged by leaves or other object.


Peter Stahl
02-12-2010, 6:50 AM
My toilet upstairs is like that if you don't hold the lever long enough. Try holding the lever at different lengths of time while watching the flapper in the tank. The flapper will close sooner some times. If possible shortening the chain length might help.

Prashun Patel
02-12-2010, 9:08 AM
"Another possibility is the vent pipe is clogged by leaves or other object."
"My toilet upstairs is like that if you don't hold the lever long enough."

All deference to JK and PS, but from what I understand, a clog in the vent would only affect the flush and draining - not the supply and fill level. Also, if the flapper closes prematurely, I'd think that'd just affect the flush action, too. Once the float goes below a certain level, whether the tank's been emptied completely or not, the water supply should turn on, causing the water level to begin to rise, and will only shut off and cease the rise in level once the float switch is activated.

If a simple inspection of the inside of the tank doesn't show the problem, then b4 you go adjusting or replacing anything, I'd post this q on Terry Love. I bet someone there knows the answer fo sho.