View Full Version : Something different

Ray Bell
02-11-2010, 2:24 AM
Combining two hobbies. Woodturning, and fused glass. The bowl is maple and paduk 13 3/4x3. The hummingbird is cut out of thin copper, and then fused between two pieces of glass. Feel free to comment, and critique, I can take it. I do already know about the gouges in the bowl though. I wish I could chuck it up and redo it. I have been practicing with a round nose scraper, and think I am getting better,



Ray Bell
02-11-2010, 2:29 AM
Yikes, seems the pics didn't show up. My computer skills are as lacking as my woodturning, photography skills are. Not sure what I did wrong. Saved to desk top, clicked on paperclip, downloaded file, and then clicked on arrow adjacent to paperclip. Evidently not right.

John Keeton
02-11-2010, 7:57 AM
Ray, looks like you finally conquered the pic problem!! Nice work on the platter/bowl. I like the contrasting wood, and the concept is really unique with the fused glass.

Could you take various colored foils, cut them into the various shapes of a flower - say an Iris or tulip, overlay for some texture, and then use a nice background? Just a thought.

Steve Schlumpf
02-11-2010, 8:18 AM
Ray - that's a pretty cool idea - a first for me! Nice work! Thanks for sharing!

Bernie Weishapl
02-11-2010, 9:45 AM
Ray that is a beauty. Really like the contrast with the maple.

Matt Ranum
02-11-2010, 9:48 AM
I like it, especially the Maple. Never seen anything quite like that before.

Ray Bell
02-11-2010, 12:13 PM
Thanks folks for the nice comments.
John, I could do as you suggest, and have some ideas in mind. I have made a lot of glass bowls with all of your suggestions. In fact same flowers, Iris's, and tulips. Thanks for the suggestions, and I will let you know how it turns out.

Oh, and I hate to admit it, but my wife figured out the photo problem. She does this photo transferring all the time, sending pictures to the grand kids, and other family.


David E Keller
02-11-2010, 12:19 PM
Very interesting and unique idea. I like it.

Baxter Smith
02-11-2010, 1:02 PM
Very nice. Don't know what fused glass is so will have to look that up!:) My wife would love these!

Ray Bell
02-11-2010, 4:26 PM

The humming bird is fused glass at it simplest. Just a piece of copper placed between two pieces of glass, put in the kiln and fused at ~1450*. Usually fused glass objects consist of multiple layers of glass, and multiple fusings. The attached Iris bowl is 19 1/2" Dia., and four layers of glass. The Tulip bowl is 12" Dia. and three layers. The shop window is 36 x 36, same pattern as the Iris bowl. The panels surrounding the flower are leaded stained glass. The stained glass was my first, and last attempt at this.




Gary Chester
02-11-2010, 4:46 PM
Turning glass on a lathe!?!?!?!?!:eek:


OK... I get it... part of another post...

Baxter Smith
02-11-2010, 7:55 PM
Thanks for the explanation Ray. That shop window is beautiful!

Ray Bell
02-11-2010, 11:10 PM
Thanks Baxter. I like working with glass. A lot of cutting, grinding, and very sore fingers if you lay off awhile, but I enjoy it.

George Morris
02-12-2010, 9:18 PM
Ray very nice work with some unusual material,Keep it up!

John Keeton
02-12-2010, 9:24 PM
Ray, I nearly missed the posting on the glass pieces!! Wow, those are nice. Love the window, and the tulip piece is exceptionally nice. Very interesting concept. Why no more stained glass? You did such beautiful work on that one.

Ray Bell
02-12-2010, 10:31 PM
Thanks John, I do enjoy cutting, grinding, and making glass pieces fit together. To me it's therapeutic, as is the lathe. It's always interesting to see how things are going to turn out, but for some reason I just didn't enjoy soldering the flat pieces together. My wife loves the window though, since it can be seen from our backyard, so I am glad I did this piece.

By the way, your latest turning is wonderful. I haven't been on here long, but from reading back posts it seems you haven't been turning very long. You have come a long way fast! I am still on simple bowls, but have decided to progress to a lidded box.


Ray Bell
02-12-2010, 10:37 PM
Thanks George. I actually have another bowl tuned, and the bottom cut out. Just trying to decide on the glass now.