View Full Version : Mixed media veneer using wood and copper veneers

jeff zane
02-09-2010, 7:27 PM
Hi I am new to this community and was referred by Joe at Veneer Supplies.

I am conceptualizing a project with wood veneer marquetry panels with copper veneer strips between the panels for accent. I have a few questions if anyone can help me as this is the first time I am contemplating using copper veneer. I will be using a vacuum bag system to glue up the panel.

1) The difference in thickness of the wood and copper veneers may be significant. I think the copper is 0.005" and the wood is 0.02 - 0.03". If this is the case, how would you use the two different media next to each other? Would it be better to just apply the wood veneers to the substrate and then apply the copper veneer on top of the wood veneer? (For the project that I have in mind, I don't think that doing this would be objectionable.)

2) If I apply the copper on top of the wood veneer, how would you avoid glue seeping from under the copper strips and marring the exposed surfaces of the wood veneer? (I'm thinking masking tape)

3) Should I do my finish sanding of the wood veneer prior to applying the copper veneer (I would think that sanding near the edges of the copper would mar the patina finish on the copper)?

4) If the wood veneer surfaces are finish sanded, but have not had any surface treatment (ie varithane), do i need to roughen up the wood veneer surface where the copper will be glued? (I know I will need to roughen the back surface of the copper before gluing.)

5) Suggestions for finishing the surface. I usually use several coats of Varithane (2-3 gloss coats and 1-2 semi-gloss) for my wood veneer projects. Should I do the same thing but maybe not apply to the copper and wipe off any varithane that gets on the edges of the copper right away?

Thanks to any one that can help me.


Mitchell Andrus
02-09-2010, 7:39 PM
Welcome to the 'Creek, Jeff.

Before I began making my own marquetry, I used Paul Schurch.


He has made inlays with mixed media and can tell you what works and why. IIRC he used 'fish glue'(?) on the metal parts.... Anyway, I use a laser to cut the veneer and don't mix metal into the design, so I can't help you directly.

jeff zane
02-10-2010, 12:57 AM
thanks for the link Mitchell. I'll post over there and see if i can get any help there.
Just curious...can you tell me a little about your laser equipment?