View Full Version : Hollow Form #4

Michael E. Thompson
02-07-2010, 10:01 PM
I have been playing around with my new hollowing tool and this is attempt #4. The first was pretty OK, just trying to figure out the tool and numbers 2 & 3 got a bit too thin on the sides and are not firewood.

This HF is ornamental pear with BLO and shellac. Wall is approx 1/4" about 6" tall & 4" diam. I am undecided about the overall shape. When I was taking these pictures, I found it difficult to get a good profile shot which tells me something is wrong. I think it may be too top heavy. Please give me your CC.

Sorry for the poor pix, I didn't feel like setting up the tent.


Bernie Weishapl
02-07-2010, 10:10 PM
Good looking HF but the foot does nothing for me. It makes it look top heavy to me.

Donny Lawson
02-07-2010, 10:16 PM
I think it could be a little top heavy by looking at the pics but I think if you can leave the bottom a little thick it might balance it out.Nice shape though.What type of hollowing tool do you have? Can you add a pic of it?

David E Keller
02-07-2010, 10:16 PM
Looks like you're making progress. I like the wood, and pear is a lot of fun to turn.

On a critical note, I think the form is a little flat along its midsection rather than being a continuous curve, and the foot/pedestal seems a little out of proportion... I'm certainly not an expert on hollow forms or form in general, but it's my 2 cents for what it's worth.

Steve Schlumpf
02-07-2010, 11:04 PM
Michael - looks like you got the hollowing part down pretty good, now you get to start playing around with form.

Best suggestion is to look at the work of some other folks and find what you like. Study the form and find what aspects of their work appeals to you. Could be height, proportion, grain orientation, finial, pedestal, etc. and then play around using those aspects in your own creations.

Rob Cunningham
02-08-2010, 9:23 AM
The hollow form part looks good, but I personally don't care for the foot. It makes the piece look top heavy.

Michael E. Thompson
02-08-2010, 10:14 AM
What type of hollowing tool do you have? Can you add a pic of it?

Robert Sorby multi-tip tool. Sorry I don't have a picture. I like it, although I don't have anything to compare to.

Not that everyone mentioned the foot, I have to agree, too small. I had it larger, but didn't think it was right. I guess I need lots more practice.


Donny Lawson
02-08-2010, 3:40 PM
Thanks Michael,
I will look it up and see what they look like.I might have to get me one.

Michael E. Thompson
02-08-2010, 5:29 PM
Here is a link.



Bob Bergstrom
02-08-2010, 5:43 PM
I would say the widest part of the hollow vessel should be moved up closer to 2/3 of the height. From that point, it should taper down to a smaller bottom, or flow into the foot. It is one of the hardest things in woodturning to pull off a bowl or hollow turning that has the widest part of the turning at the exact center line. Nice job technique and finish.