View Full Version : Anyone ever seen this joint?

Mark Bolton
02-07-2010, 3:13 PM
Not sure I will get the image right but,...

This is a piece of furniture I have grown up with my entire life. I am not sure when my parents bought it but I remember laying on the edge of their bed looking at this drawer when it was open.

Obviously machine made, but snow snow snow here and reading the lock miter/drawer thread it popped into my head.



Ray Newman
02-07-2010, 3:31 PM
Both my maternal and paternal grandparents (circa 1875-1977) had several pieces of furniture with such joints.

IIRC, it is called a "cope and pin" joint and was machine produced. From what I've read it was one of the 1st machine made joints and very common during the late 1800's.

IIRC, at one time Wood Workers' Supply (??) marketed a router jig to re-create this joint, but I haven't seen one for sale in years.

Mark Bolton
02-07-2010, 3:39 PM
wow, great info, I have never taken the time to look into the joint, I just have a lot of fond memories every time I pull open one of the drawers.


David DeCristoforo
02-07-2010, 4:17 PM
Actually called a "Pin and Crescent" or "Knapp" joint. Google either for more information.


Mark Bolton
02-07-2010, 4:44 PM
Thanks for the info. Man those pins see like they could be a nightmare with the router jig. I can just see the last pin snapping off or splitting out and a piece falling off.
