View Full Version : Parquet Partners Desk

Bret Duffin
02-07-2010, 4:07 AM
This is my first post on this site. Base is all Western maple with bookmatched figured western maple panels with rosewood accents. Drawer fronts and top edge are eastern soft maple. Top is 1/4" thick parquet on 3/4" plywood, various woods with western mable burl. I built it just for something fun to do now I don't know what to do with it. The western maple is all wood I cut and dried myself. I guess I'll keep it seeing as nobody has offered to buy it. It's my design. Whaddaya think?

John Keeton
02-07-2010, 7:51 AM
Bret, first of all, welcome to the Creek!! Looks like you have done some marvelous work on the desk. I love the style and craftsmanship that you have put in the piece - particularly the base. Lot of little details. Some great looking wood in the panels.

The only element that I don't care for is probably the one in which you have the most effort invested - the top. IMO, the desk has a lot going on with the contrasting woods, burl, etc. For me, the top is just too busy. I would have preferred a more simple top. Love the banding, and the color combinations work. But, when I look at the desk, the top is all I see, when I really think the rest of the desk is striking and should be celebrated more. Great work, though, and I am sure others will disagree with me. Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder, and this combination may be just the thing for most folks.

Please understand that you did a marvelous job on the whole project - including the top. I think for a conference table, perhaps with "one wood" legs and apron of one of the darker woods, the top would be outstanding.

mike holden
02-07-2010, 8:26 AM
Gorgeous piece of work!

but, I have to admit that the first thing that came to my mind was: how can you concentrate on your work with that as a background?

Quite a showpiece though.


Bret Duffin
02-07-2010, 9:51 AM
LOL! too funny. My main objective with this project was to have fun. I seemed to have accomplished that. If I keep it as my own desk the top won't distract me as I would never see it under all the stuff that would be piled on it. Thanks for commenting!

John Thompson
02-07-2010, 10:40 AM
Excellent build Bret and welcome. That appears to be a monster desk indeed. Do my old eyes detect cabinet doors on one side and drawers on the other which relays to depth? You did an excellent job with the execution and the marquetry but.. as several others the top is a bit busy for my personal taste for a desk. Outstanding job with the top as noted but that marquetry would be better served on something other than a desk to my taste.

Great build...

Andy Pedler
02-07-2010, 2:35 PM
I think it looks great...beautiful work.

What I'm wondering is...how do you move it? Will it ever be able to leave the shop? Does it break down into a few pieces to get through doors? It looks too wide to go through a door, even tipped on its side.

Nice work!

Andy - Newark, CA

Ken Shoemaker
02-07-2010, 9:32 PM

Your skill certainly comes through loud and clear... I do appreciate the detailed work you had to do.

I like the others would rather it on a conferance room table, but I acknowlege that this was your fun project and you sure did a dang good job.

I for one would like to see more of your work soon.... Thanks for showing it.


Mark Valsi
02-07-2010, 11:12 PM
very nice work !!

Randy Walker
02-08-2010, 1:04 AM
Hi Bret and welcome to the Creek
I love it and would gladly have it in my office (If I had one---retired) I think I would take it to a high end art gallery and ask $10,000 for it. I bet they jump on it. Some overpaid executive will snap that up for his/her home office, and you can laugh all the way to the bank.

Randy Walker

Bret Duffin
02-08-2010, 1:07 AM
Move it? Hindsight is 20/20. The top is not removable although it could easily have been made so. The modesty panel connecting the two towers is fitted into a sliding dovetail which also could have been made removable. It's big, 66" w x 39" d x 29" h, but with the doors and drawers removed I can maneuver it around my shop on and off the assembly bench by myself by moving one side at a time. A couple of strong young men will be able to get it down the hall and up the stairs to my office by setting it on it's side. For now it just sits in my shop occupying valuable space.