View Full Version : Pens 3 & 4

Matt Ranum
02-06-2010, 2:41 PM
Got some shop and lathe time between Dr visits this past week so here is my 3rd & 4th pens. Getting better, just need to make some sort of photo box for taking these pics now. They look better than the pics show. These I gave to my FIL since he was the one who got me all this stuff for Christmas.

I seem to have trouble using the CA method and don't have the time to experiment much right now so I went with a spray lacquer on these, sanded through 600 then went with some tripoli then some watco oil on the Maple one and then lacquer, 4 good coats, then buffed with some jewlers rough after that. I sprayed while the lathe was running slow and recoated after about 10 min since they were completely dry.






John Keeton
02-06-2010, 3:47 PM
Nice wood, Matt! The pens turned out great. Seems like the finishing work on a pen is at least 50% of the job. Someday, I need to try one.

Rick Gibson
02-06-2010, 4:18 PM
Nice work Finish looks good on both of them. As John mentioned finishing is at least half if not more of the work on these.

Here's some info on a cheap $10 photo box.


David E Keller
02-06-2010, 4:34 PM
Nice work... They look like great gifts.

Matt Ranum
02-06-2010, 4:59 PM
The finish was one of the first lessons I learned about these pens, there is so little material there, that it had better look dang near perfect. This is a good place to use all those scraps that have just too much pretty grain to throw in the fireplace but yet to dang small to be of any use project wise.

Thanks for the link on the light box!

Steve Schlumpf
02-06-2010, 5:11 PM
Nice pens Matt - they both look really good! Really like the grain on darker pen. Looks like you cut it on a bias. Nice effect!

John Grabowski
02-07-2010, 10:19 AM
They look nice...I used to use lacquer but continued the pursuit of a perfect CA finish and I think I found something that is pretty close...I have a video of how to do mine up on youtube.


Its very easy and fast.

John G

Matt Ranum
02-07-2010, 2:51 PM
Thanks I'll check it out.

Bernie Weishapl
02-07-2010, 4:32 PM
Really nice pens Matt. Both woods are really nice. Well done.