View Full Version : What size finial???? Redwood hollow form..

Michael Jasani
02-05-2010, 8:46 PM
Hi, I just finished turning this redwood hollow form and am wondering what size finial I shoud go for. The HF is 9.5"w and 5.5" h. All suggestions and ideas are welcome and much appreciated.

Also I have tried to incoroporate the previous suggestions I recevied in this wonderful forum regarding form and shape but I realize that I have a long way to go.......

All C & C is much appreciated. Thanks

charlie knighton
02-05-2010, 9:01 PM
same as i suggested to John

Wally Dickerman
02-05-2010, 9:30 PM
Very nice HF....It's difficult to recommend a size for the finial because you could do several and most would work....I suggest that you turn several finials all different sizes. Good finial turning practice. Keep them slim and not too short..IMO, most people will turn their first finials too large so that they tend to overpower the piece. That includes me.

Post a pic of all of the finials and ask for opinions on what to use.


Thom Sturgill
02-05-2010, 9:31 PM
Not every HF needs a finial. Try whatever you want, but this one looks good to me as is.

David E Keller
02-05-2010, 9:36 PM
I'd actually consider a collar on that piece with a contrasting wood, but tall and thin seems to be the standard for finials.

Baxter Smith
02-05-2010, 9:37 PM
Have never done one so no suggestions. Beautiful shape, grain and finish as is though!

Ron Erickson
02-05-2010, 9:41 PM
Beautiful wood and very nice form. To me it needs a collar so that the opening is smaller, then maybe a finial. Experiment. Ron

Bernie Weishapl
02-05-2010, 10:33 PM
Michael that is a beauty. I have to agree if it were me I would leave it as is. I don't see a need for a collar or finial. Really nice form and finish. If you decide to do a finial I agree with Wally. Make several of various heights and give them a look see. Will give you lots of ideas and practice on making them. The first one I did with a finial I did 4 or 5 of them.

Mark Hubl
02-05-2010, 10:41 PM
I agree with David. The piece is lovely, but if you want to further embellish it, I think that a collar would do the job. Nice piece of redwood.

John Keeton
02-05-2010, 11:34 PM
Michael, that is a wonderful piece of wood!! Really nice. I am not sure that a finial will add to this piece, but you can always try one and see. The collar idea sounds interesting, and you could do both if blended well.

Great job on a great piece of wood!! Looks very nice as is.

Brian Effinger
02-06-2010, 12:26 AM
Very nice HF....It's difficult to recommend a size for the finial because you could do several and most would work....I suggest that you turn several finials all different sizes. Good finial turning practice. Keep them slim and not too short..IMO, most people will turn their first finials too large so that they tend to overpower the piece. That includes me.

Post a pic of all of the finials and ask for opinions on what to use.


I couldn't agree more. :)

Beautiful HF, Michael

Steve Schlumpf
02-06-2010, 1:12 AM
Michael - very nice hollow form! Beautiful wood!

Wally gave you some great advice to turn a number of finials and let everyone help you select a winner. Also, should you decide to try a collar - check out the Articles & Reviews forum for Travis Stinson's tutorial on collars. Walks you through every step!

Good luck with it! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Michael Jasani
02-06-2010, 1:10 PM
Michael - very nice hollow form! Beautiful wood!

Wally gave you some great advice to turn a number of finials and let everyone help you select a winner. Also, should you decide to try a collar - check out the Articles & Reviews forum for Travis Stinson's tutorial on collars. Walks you through every step!

Good luck with it! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Thank you all for the wonderful advise. I am going to mull over both the ideas of putting a collar and turning a number of finials and in the meantime I will look up the tutorial that Steve has suggested. Steve thanks for anticipating my next question on how to put a collar!!