View Full Version : Another good experience with Whiteside

Jeff Nolan
02-04-2010, 7:27 PM
I have the Whiteside vee-panel T&G router bit set; it's not cheap at $150 for the matched set of bits but I use it a lot, preferring the vee-panel look to straight T&G for cabinet backs.

Anway, long story short, I dropped one of the bits and chipped the carbide on the rabbeting component. I emailed Whiteside and a few days later their plant manager emailed me back and said that they could replace the rabbeting portion of the bit for $28. It would have cost me something close to that to have the bit repaired and I just don't like having router bits repaired, so I gave 'em my credit card and a few days later a replacement part arrived and I'm back in business.

What I like about Whiteside is that they make really high quality tooling AND they treat you like a person, and treat you fairly while doing it. This company is class act all the way and even if their tooling were considerably higher priced than their competitors (which they are not) I would still buy from them.

Ken Shoemaker
02-05-2010, 8:41 AM
I'm been looking at a good starter set of 1/2" shanks. I think you just made my mind up for me.... THANKS FOR THE POST!!!!


glenn bradley
02-05-2010, 9:32 AM
I am always happy to see a company use actual human brain power and common sense in decision making. This works so much better than some human droid following "policy". Congrats on a good choice.

Cody Colston
02-05-2010, 9:49 AM
I love their router bits but I've never had a need to test their customer service. I'm glad to read that it's up to the same high standards as their product.

brian c miller
02-05-2010, 10:14 AM
I'd look at the "10 essential router bit set" from white side as a great starter kit. Sure it's not cheap, but these bits will last forever and it's not full of crap you'll never use.

Also, there's no duplicate bit between it and the Incra dovetail set so you aren't buying the same bit twice.