View Full Version : The Yankee Woodshop

Ralph Morris
10-23-2004, 10:01 PM
Watching that show this afternoon about Norm building outside's plant stand. I notice the new clamping thing that he was using to hold the bendings to the fixture. He just slipped it on and started locking it down on the edge, I have seen one that has two-one is to clamp the clamp to the face of the board and the other one to clamp the strip to the edge. But this one just slips on and "crabs" the face while u screw the clamp tight. Who makes this brand?

Sam Chambers
10-23-2004, 10:49 PM
IIRC, this is the clamp he was using. It's made by Bessey:

Bessey One Hand Edge Clamp (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000DCZTO/qid=1098585370/sr=1-66/ref=sr_1_66/104-1256778-7025544?v=glance&s=home-garden)

Steve Clardy
10-24-2004, 11:02 AM
IIRC, this is the clamp he was using. It's made by Bessey:

Bessey One Hand Edge Clamp (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000DCZTO/qid=1098585370/sr=1-66/ref=sr_1_66/104-1256778-7025544?v=glance&s=home-garden)
Yep. That's it. Seen the same show yesterday.
Someone makes some look-alikes, can't remember who. Picked up four of them at the KC woodshow the first of this year. $10.00 each.
Woodworkers Choice was selling them.

Tony Sade
10-24-2004, 1:08 PM
Penn State makes these, a whole lot cheaper than the Besseys (surprise, surprise). I have no idea of the quality.


Steve Clardy
10-24-2004, 1:30 PM
Penn State makes these, a whole lot cheaper than the Besseys (surprise, surprise). I have no idea of the quality.

Yep. Same critters. They aren't as nice as besseys fit and finish wise, but get the job done. They grip real well. Threaded shafts have that typical import fit, kinda loose.