View Full Version : Barroom project update

Fred Voorhees
10-23-2004, 6:42 PM
After spending approximately three weeks away from this project, I was eager to get back into it and get it moving once again in the right direction. This former two car garage began to be transformed this past Spring and I'm getting "itchy" now to wrap it up and begin to enjoy it.

Finally got the approval for the ventless propane fireplace this past week and went and picked it up Thursday and wanted to get the framing roughed in today. The gas company is coming on the 11th of Nov. to set the tank and run the piping into the room.

Ordered the Pergo flooring just after coming home from vacation about two weeks ago and although they told me that it would take about a month to get into the store, they called today and its in. Won't be putting it in just yet, but couldn't resist the 20% off sale.

After vacation, it was the task of wrapping the trim around the six windows. Solid red oak, as will be pretty much all of the trim. Ran into some quirky situations with the existing back wall as whoever built it used some 2X4 lumber that weren't consistent in their widths and that meant some shimming and filling in, but with some patience it came out ok.

Now will be moving on to wrapping what's left of the foundation with oak ply and the resulting rough corners will be covered with some gold aluminum outside corner moulding. Then onto the cieling. Have never done one of the Armstrong acoustical cielings that you staple up onto lathe applied directly to the existing cieling, but it shouldn't prove to be to bad. Looking forward to it. Once the cieling is in, lighting and other fixtures can go up and then I guess it will be the flooring next. Once both the floor and cieling is finished, I can wrap up pretty much all of the trim. And there will be lots of it!!! - cieling, walls, doors, floors and the bar valance. I'm thinking that after that it would be best to move on to building the bar and the various pieces of furniture that will be encorporated into the room.

Picture one below is of the days work roughing in the fireplace. You can also get a peak at one of the back wall windows that gave me some minor "fits" in fabbing them to sit right on the walls.

The front windows, complete with their oak trim are featured in the second photo. These were a breeze to trim out as this wall was the former front wall that had the two garage door openings in it. When I closed them in, I took care to use dimensionally consistent lumber and the windows sat nicely in their rough openings.

Jim Becker
10-23-2004, 7:07 PM
Lookin' good, Mr. Fred! It won't be long before you're serving Brewskies in that fine establishment to all your woodwor...err...racing friends! :D

Fred Voorhees
11-19-2004, 7:35 PM
Well, Tyler Howell implored me to keep those pics coming of the garage conversion project and there have been a number of new additions to the ongoing process. So without adeau:

Pic One - details the Jet air cleaner that I mounted up in the cieling to do away with the cigarette smoke of those of my friends who still choose to do such a thing. I mounted it on a slab of trimmed out oak ply. Although the Jet cleaner doesn't weigh a ton, it is heavy enough to make you want to ensure that it stays where it belongs. To that end, the oak panel is lag screwed directly to a cieling joist, while the unit itself is lag screwed in four spots to 2x4 "nailer" that I added to the cieling a while ago.

Pic 2 - shows the East wall and four of the soffit mounted recessed lights. I test fired them about a week ago after I wired in the 1000 watt dimmer switch and some other electrical items. There are eight soffit located recessed lighting fixtures and they really make for a dramatic effect at night. Along the wall at the floor are the base structures for the window seating. It will be a while before we contract someone to fabricate some cushions for those. The three foot gap between the two window seating areas will be filled by a floor to soffit book case.

Pic 3 - was taken earlier tonight (Fri). After four nights this week of working a few hours after the "real" day job, it came down to laying this final piece of Pergo flooring.

Pic 4 - And the results.

Ted Shrader
11-19-2004, 8:24 PM
Hi Fred -

Looks good! So when should we come over and tap a keg?


Jim Becker
11-19-2004, 9:34 PM
Lookin' great, Fred!!! Question...did you get a charcoal filter for the air cleaner?

Fred Voorhees
11-19-2004, 10:26 PM
Ted - In actuality, we may be able to do just that sooner than you think! I plan on getting one of those - we call it a kegolator - one of those small refrigerator type things that houses a half keg and has a saloon type tap built right into the top of the housing. I need to purchase that before I build the sixteen foot bar so that I can frame a portion of the bar framework to fit the kegolator cabinet within its confines. I'm thinking of building it in such a way as to have the top of the cabinet fit up flush with the bar surface.

Jim - yes, I did purchase a charcoal filter along with the unit. Pricey, but needed as some of my freinds still choose to smoke cigarettes while they enjoy their "libations".

Jim Becker
11-19-2004, 10:28 PM
Jim - yes, I did purchase a charcoal filter along with the unit. Pricey, but needed as some of my freinds still choose to smoke cigarettes while they enjoy their "libations".
Well, you coulda' just put a little umbrella out the back door aways... :D

Jerry Olexa
11-19-2004, 11:36 PM
When is the GRAND Opening?? Free Beers I assume for all WWrs!

Fred Voorhees
11-20-2004, 1:13 PM
When is the GRAND Opening?? Free Beers I assume for all WWrs!

The pseudo grand opening will be New Years Eve when my wife and I have a small group of close lifelong freinds over to ring in 2005. However, the room will not be completely done at that time - I don't think. The official opening will probably be a NASCAR Nextel Daytona 500 party for a bunch of racing friends in mid-February. And Jerry, if coming all that way for a couple of mugs of cold, crisp Coors Light, well, then come on down!

Jim Becker
11-20-2004, 2:01 PM
And Jerry, if coming all that way for a couple of mugs of cold, crisp Coors Light, well, then come on down!
I am thinking that some nice local Riverhorse micro-brew would also be a nice way to break the room in!!!

Fred Voorhees
11-20-2004, 6:50 PM
I am thinking that some nice local Riverhorse micro-brew would also be a nice way to break the room in!!!

Not a bad idea Jim! Some Micro brewed potion right from my local area. Will have to take that into consideration, or at the very least, have some of that available along with my Coors Light.