View Full Version : How many hours in your shop each time?

Kevin Gregoire
02-03-2010, 12:28 AM
im just curious to know how many hours everyone spends
in their woodshop each day???

Joe Shinall
02-03-2010, 12:41 AM
Usually 1-3 for me unless it's a day where I am working from home. I'm a Network Engineer and about 2 days a week on a good week I get to work from home. I put my laptop inside a cabinet drawer and hook it up to a set of speakers so I can hear if I get an email and I will be in the shop for about 6-10 hours if I can. With breaks of course to refresh with a nice big glass of Dr. Pepper, the other coffee!

glenn bradley
02-03-2010, 1:36 AM
I selected 2 hours. I spend 1-2 hours each day after work (although I skip some days, like today for example) and about 10 split between Saturday and Sunday. I had a "forced" week off while LOML did not . . . I almost slept out there ;-)

Jason Hanko
02-03-2010, 1:45 AM
I voted three, but that comes with caveat of "three on the days I make it into the shop".
Ive got a 3 year old and a 1 year old - so making it out every day is almost impossible. I probably average 8 hours a week.

Andrew Minear
02-03-2010, 5:09 AM
I don't go to the shop everyday because it takes an hour to heat up with an electric heater. Usually I wait until I have 3-4 hours of work planned out, or, if I just want to clean up for an hour I skip the heat part and bundle up.


David Hostetler
02-03-2010, 10:28 AM
I voted for 3, but that is not honest. When I CAN spend time in the shop, more than a few minutes, it is 3 hours or so. But typically, I can go in, piddle around for less than a half hour, and get back to other stuff around the house...

Dave Gaul
02-03-2010, 10:34 AM
I said 4 based on a weekly average. Weekdays I might only get an hour or two, weekends can be 8+ per day, especially if I'm trying to get something done by a deadline!

Augusto Orosco
02-03-2010, 10:52 AM
I chose 3 hours each time, but that's about twice a week at night; after putting my little daughter to bed. The rest of the nights are enjoyable quiet time with my wife and weekends are family time!

Three hours twice a week forces me to plan ahead, so I can make the most out of that time and get right to work as soon as get into the shop.

Don Jarvie
02-03-2010, 10:56 AM
Lately it's a few hours once or twice after work and I will get anywhere from 5 on Saturday and a few on Sunday.

It mostly depends on what the Boss has on the agenda.

Robert Parrish
02-03-2010, 10:58 AM
It depends on how I feel. If things are going well and I'm making progress on my project I will stay all day. But if I'm having a bad day (making mistakes) I quit and go do something else. But usually I spend 3 hours a day in the shop.

Michael MacDonald
02-03-2010, 12:19 PM
I surprised myself by putting in 3... I usually get in there around 8:30, after putting the kids to bed... and lately I have been working to 11:30 or so. Sometimes even midnight or later, but that is rare. I have to down a few cokes to keep me going. Somehow it seems like less than 3, but that is how the math works out.

I also spend a few Saturday and Sunday afternoons while the kids nap, but that is also only about 3 hours... wish it could be more, but my wife has been complaining about Friday and Sat nights.

Leigh Betsch
02-03-2010, 1:21 PM
At least 2 every day after work, and at least 16 on the weekends, except during phesant hunting season then it's only 4 or 5 each weekend. I still don't get anything done! Think I'll take Friday off....

Rod Sheridan
02-03-2010, 1:29 PM
At least 2 every day after work, and at least 16 on the weekends, except during phesant hunting season then it's only 4 or 5 each weekend. I still don't get anything done! Think I'll take Friday off....

Leigh, that's hilarious..........Rod.

Kevin Gregoire
02-26-2010, 10:47 PM
i go out around noon and start my heaters, come back in and mess around on the net or take a nap (serious insomniac so i sleep whenever i can) and go back out in an hour or
two and work for anywhere from 2 - 4 hours. weekends i go out a little earlier and stay till late afternoon.

i havent been out as much the past two weeks as i have been watching Winter Olympics but now that it is about over i will get back on schedule.

Todd Franks
02-26-2010, 11:05 PM
People actually work in the workshop on weekday nights? I didn't even know that was an option. I probably average 5 hours on a Saturday OR Sunday at best. Young kids severely affect shop time.:p Wouldn't trade it for anything 'though.


Leo Graywacz
02-26-2010, 11:47 PM
SInce I work there every day I usually put in about 60-90 hours a week. Average is closer to 60. 10 hour days is the usual, when I'm making a kitchen it is usually 12 hours a day plus 12 on the weekend.

I live at the shop, I go home to sleep. :rolleyes:

Tommy Squires
02-27-2010, 12:16 PM
Everyday after morning tennis. Oh the joys of retirement! That was a gloat and I'm not sorry. :)

James Combs
02-27-2010, 8:56 PM
Ditto on the retirement Joys. For me it is motorcycling and hobby shopping. As soon as I get some heating and cooling in mine I may take up residence in the shop.:D

Everyday after morning tennis. Oh the joys of retirement! That was a gloat and I'm not sorry. :)

Kevin Gregoire
02-27-2010, 10:38 PM
james you just reminded me that i need to start looking for an a/c unit for my wall this summer. need to buy now before prices jump
and then when summer rolls around i will be out there a lot more then i am now.

Chris Kennedy
02-28-2010, 5:12 PM
I haven't voted, because I simply haven't had much opportunity over the last year due to injuries (non-woodworking). I would love to be able to go out for a couple of hours after work, but like others, the kid trumps the shop. By the time I could go out, I am so mentally done, it wouldn't be a good idea for me to handle anything sharp.

I am getting back into shop time since I am finally recovering from my wrist injuries. I have been trying for a couple of hours each weekend day, but even that has been hard.

As for the retired gloats, well, yeah, but I can . . . eh, I got nothing.



Terry Hatfield
02-28-2010, 5:16 PM
I'd love to just be able to go out to the shop for any amount of time every day. Perhaps how much time do you spend in your shop each month or even each year would be an easier question for me to answer. :(


Jeff Sudmeier
03-01-2010, 7:54 AM
I have an 8month old and a 4 year old... Every day I pick them up at 2:30 and put the little one to bed, then listen on the monitor and the 4 year old and I head to the shop for a couple hours.

Works great for now, but when the youngun gets old enough that he doesn't nap every day it's going to cut into it :(

Kevin Gregoire
03-06-2010, 5:17 PM
does shop time count if you just go out to get some reading done or do you have to be working?

Peter Bell
03-07-2010, 4:39 PM
Because I live on acreage and it is the rainy season here the grass is growing in front of you. We do have a couple of miniature dexter cattle as pets to help keep the pasture down but at this time we still need to run over it with the ride on mower to help keep it looking clean and attractive.

Working and maintaining a property takes a lot of time so there is always something to do. I suppose I would spend about three hours a day in the shop, but a lot of that would be tinkering with machinery like sharpening chain saw blades, maintenance, cleaning , etc.

The actual woodwork is only about an hour and that is mainly about trying to get the shop looking like the rest of yours and some of those Page 3 glossy porn woodworking shop pics like Fine Woodworking WORKSHOP SOLUTIONS.


Jason Hallowell
03-07-2010, 7:50 PM
When I work in my shop, it's usually for 8-12 hours at a time, but I only average about 2 days of shop work per week. I'd like to quit working as a real estate agent and commit full time to woodworking, but right now it's just a part time hobby that provides a little extra income.

Kevin Gregoire
04-05-2010, 4:50 PM
lets keep it going

Thom Porterfield
04-06-2010, 5:01 PM
I spend about 4 hours each day in my shop. I'd spend more, but it isn't finished yet, and I spend an equal (or greater) amount of time at the computer working out problems (AutoCAD and Sketchup).

Oh, and I do have to contribute to the household income now and then, so sometimes I actually work. :D

paul cottingham
04-06-2010, 5:31 PM
I get in about an hour to an hour and a half, five days a week. Of course, a good chunk of that is spent setting up, and cleaning up. I have a very busy 4 year old who has autism, so she takes up most of my spare time.

Jim O'Dell
04-06-2010, 10:19 PM
I didn't vote, because my time is never the same. I spent about an hour last night, about 20 minutes tonight. Probably an hour to hour and a half tomorrow night, hour on Thurs and Fri nights. Then if nothing is pressing, I'll spend about 5 to 8 hours each day on Sat and Sun, when I have something I'm working on, feel good, and the weather is comfortable. Jim.

Bill LaPointe
04-09-2010, 5:21 AM
When you're retired you find that your routine changes some. I am an early riser, generally up around 3-4 AM. My shop has always been in the basement so I get my coffee and am in the shop doing planning or very quiet work. (Wife says the Unisaw interferes with her sleep.) Meet my breakfast bunch at 8. Pick up any material I might need and am back in the shop by 10 or so 'til 5 PM most days. Wife still runs the business so I am free to make all the noise and sawdust I want. Cocktail time is promptly at 5 PM. If I'm late, the bartender at Outback calls to make sure I haven't had an accident. Never go back to shop after cocktails. Probably why I still have all my fingers. Enjoy building jigs and maintaining eqipment as much as actually doing a project.

Ben Bonif
04-09-2010, 9:24 AM
Hobby and live in the north so when it gets warm I'm not planning on shop time at all unless it rains or similar. First love is anything outside by a wide margin over indoor things. So I said an hour - maybe 1.5 if I averaged year round time.

Bet if I really analyze it I spend more time making shop related projects and jigs and such than I do actually creating things. I like the "shop feel and privacy" as much as the making of things. It may change over time but for me I'm truly content with my old Delta contractor saw w/ Unifence, 13" planer, 6" jointer, 12" Makita CSMS,2hp Penn dc and a 14x22 half garage shop full to the rafters of the other "stuff" that I always felt I had to have based on the "he said-I read-the ad sold me". I allowed myself to get stuff that I bet I used 1 time - and it was that "must have" stuff they insisted!
Thankfully I avoided the 12" jointer and 15" planer and cabinet saw frenzy which just isn't what I myself personally need at all.

We all so different in what we do and how we do it for a fact. Does anyone remember the various Wood magazine or similar articles on how to set up a shop for...$1500, then $2000, then $3000, then $5000. Like giving a drug addict his first fix and then .... good luck kid!:eek: Try 2-3-4-5 times above your low 'guesstimate'

What would be fun to see if a poll be done on a range of dollars we have invested in the tools within the shops and have it seperated at the income pro vs hobby-like folk. It might scare the devil out of some of us:o
My wife says she can always get what she wants now and I have to keep my stupid mouth shut. She's right too

Doug Hobkirk
04-09-2010, 4:46 PM
You all stun me! Lots of you non-professionals spend 15-20 hours a week woodworking? WOW! What percentage of your time is typically spent on maintaining and improving the shop? Do you primarily build furniture, craft fair projects, house improvements?

PS - great question!

Alan Bienlein
04-10-2010, 9:07 AM
You all stun me! Lots of you non-professionals spend 15-20 hours a week woodworking? WOW! What percentage of your time is typically spent on maintaining and improving the shop? Do you primarily build furniture, craft fair projects, house improvements?

PS - great question!

I don't think the poll asked if we did any work, just how much time we spend out there. I'll sometimes go out to mine and open the overhead door, pull up a chair, turn the fan on and sit there and unwind with the dogs.

Bill Blackburn
04-10-2010, 3:52 PM
Life to short for me to spend to much time doing this when I got a lot of things like fishing, hunting, even the water pond and garden that get higher priority #'s.
Shop is fun and all, heck I even make a thing now and then but seriously now - it really is more of a hobby for me where I meant to try to justify the toys inside it to others if I am honest.

Originally Posted by Ben Bonif http://www.sawmillcreek.org/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=1395504#post1395504)
Hobby and live in the north so when it gets warm I'm not planning on shop time at all unless it rains or similar. First love is anything outside by a wide margin over indoor things. So I said an hour - maybe 1.5 if I averaged year round time.

Bet if I really analyze it I spend more time making shop related projects and jigs and such than I do actually creating things. I like the "shop feel and privacy" as much as the making of things. It may change over time but for me I'm truly content with my old Delta contractor saw w/ Unifence, 13" planer, 6" jointer, 12" Makita CSMS,2hp Penn dc and a 14x22 half garage shop full to the rafters of the other "stuff" that I always felt I had to have based on the "he said-I read-the ad sold me". I allowed myself to get stuff that I bet I used 1 time - and it was that "must have" stuff they insisted!
Thankfully I avoided the 12" jointer and 15" planer and cabinet saw frenzy which just isn't what I myself personally need at all.

We all so different in what we do and how we do it for a fact. Does anyone remember the various Wood magazine or similar articles on how to set up a shop for...$1500, then $2000, then $3000, then $5000. Like giving a drug addict his first fix and then .... good luck kid!:eek: Try 2-3-4-5 times above your low 'guesstimate'

What would be fun to see if a poll be done on a range of dollars we have invested in the tools within the shops and have it seperated at the income pro vs hobby-like folk. It might scare the devil out of some of us:o
My wife says she can always get what she wants now and I have to keep my stupid mouth shut. She's right too


Kevin Gregoire
07-09-2010, 1:17 AM
my time has really gone down with the heat we have been having lately.
i really need an air conditioner installed so i can stay out much longer.

David Helm
07-09-2010, 10:39 AM
Since high heat where I live is only about 80 degrees, and there is a lot of shade near my shop, it is often cooler in the shop than outdoors. I'm still in the rebuild stage of my shop. Waiting on the new G1023XLR; I hear it is actually on the ship now (ordered in January). It is the replacement for my beloved Jet cabinet saw that gave its life to save mine. As someone above said, sometimes it's just spending the time in the privacy of the shop. Since my office is also in the shop, I am there now writing this. I think that I am what you'd call semi-retired; old enough to be retired but without enough $$ to be fully retired, so work out in the world still takes place.

Jim Becker
07-09-2010, 9:06 PM
Unfortunately, I cannot respond to the poll as constructed as my shop time is sporadic and very project focused. When I'm working on something, I can spend 6-7 hours on a weekend day out there, but more typically 3-4 hours. But I can go weeks without "shop time" or where it's just in support of a home improvement project like the floor I'm replacing in the 250 year old portion of our home "as we speak". (I'm using my Festool gear in the house, but find it convenient to do some things at the CMS and on my slider in the shop)

Most shop time would be on the weekend due to my work and work travel at any rate and part of that weekend time is generally taken by equestrian activities.

Kevin Gregoire
07-18-2010, 7:39 PM
my shop time the past two weeks is down to about an hour or two a week.
its just been way way way to hot and muggy for me to go out and work on
something. i need an a/c unit so bad it hurts!

Kevin Gregoire
02-22-2011, 12:44 PM
any new members wanting to post your hours please do so!

Kevin Gregoire
02-18-2012, 10:55 PM
wow, its been a year since i gave this a bump? man time flies.

Jarod Michaels
02-19-2012, 3:05 AM
I spend about 10 - 15 per week. I am working on fixing up a bathroom right now, so I am averaging about 20 or so. I took a some time off a few weeks ago and spend about 50-60 hours in the shop that week. I am slowly reorganizing my work space because it is a garage. I put up another storage shelf above the door and right now I am working on clearing up my bench. I have to build some new drawers for tool storage and make a new carcase for the ones that I have because originally I thought that I wouldn't need drawer glides. That was a big mistake, so now I am re-purposing the old drawers into a new carcase and building smaller drawers for the old carcase. I am also going to build some smaller ones for drill bits, tools, etc. Things move slow because I work by myself and get distracted in the middle of things with other projects.

Bernie May
02-19-2012, 6:48 AM
I spend about five hours every day in my shop. However, most of that time at noon and in the evening is watching TV. I have a lazy boy out there with my TV. It is absolute joy just being in the shop with all of my tools around me. My shop is fully equipped for woodworking and carpentry. I spend more time on the latter as I am redoing the master bedroom and master bath following an extension of this part of the house. My wife of 30+ years says no new house projects, so that will mean more shop time. I have always been extending and renovating our house(s).

Ben Abate
02-21-2012, 2:46 PM
I posted 4 hours per session which in winter is about right for me. That's probably 3-4 days per week. In the summer it's much less. But maybe this year I'll see a bit more since I have a project coming up.