View Full Version : oil finishes

Karl Card
02-02-2010, 7:24 PM
I had a guy here at the Woodcraft tell me that walnut oil was to be used only on walnut, teak only on teak and so on and so forth. Well I used teak oil on a pen that I made of red oak and after I buffed it out it was very nice. But before I got negative about this info I thought id see if he might be right or just doesnt know. I also use deft lacquer on my very nice pens because it does not show finger marks and ill be darned if he didnt dog that also. Finally I ask him "should I just quit making pens sense nothing really works to finish them? I kind of feel like for some of there prices they should be a little nicer when someone does come in to the store.

David Christopher
02-02-2010, 7:44 PM
Karl, that guy is full of BS..and you should tell the manager/owner or he will run off all of their customers

Sean Hughto
02-02-2010, 7:57 PM
He's completely correct. I was just finishing a table I made with a cherry base and maple top. I couldn't find any cherry or maple oil for it, so I used the syrups - cherry and maple. It was kind of sticky going on, but we'll just have to see how it dries I guess. ;-)

Randall Clark
02-02-2010, 8:05 PM
What brand of syrup? Was it real or Aunt Jemimah? When do you put on the butter?

Peter Quinn
02-02-2010, 9:43 PM
The guy is a crack addict. Walnut oil only for walnut? Teak oil only for teak?
I'd seek a better source for information, starting with the can of oil. Deft lacquer isn't a bad product either for many applications.

I think you already have the most important point. Learn to trust your own instincts and experience. You like it, it works.

george wilson
02-02-2010, 10:35 PM
Yes,I'm reminded of one woodworking wannabe who worked at the Richmond,Va. store. This young guy tried to act as if he was superior to everyone. Yet,when he showed me a piece of his work,he started making unsolicited excuses why this or hat wasn't right!!

Prashun Patel
02-02-2010, 10:36 PM
Does tung oil go on your tongue?

Karl Card
02-02-2010, 11:36 PM
Does tung oil go on your tongue?

you know that is what I was wondering with this guy.. I didnt ask because I was really scared of the answer for that one...

Jamie Cowan
02-02-2010, 11:43 PM
Next time you go in there, have some fun with him. Tell him you saw a board stretcher in the catalog, and wondered if they had any in stock. I'm lucky to have a great Woodcraft near by, with informed and helpful people working there. I spend way too much time and money there because of this. I agree with David--tell the manager. Chances are he or she would be more than happy to give the employee a tutorial.

Joe Shinall
02-03-2010, 12:00 AM
Love this thread! Needed a good laugh after today. Thanks guys.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D