View Full Version : More Father and Son Time

Michael Dromey
01-31-2010, 10:35 PM
The wooden truck that I posted a few weeks ago was chewed up by our puppy. Henry was devistated. My wife told me that his feeling were hurt because we me it in my shop. Well, he has forgotten about that truck already. He really had fun making these.

Ron Bontz
01-31-2010, 11:08 PM
My compliments to you for taking the time for your son. Best wishes.:)

John Keeton
02-01-2010, 6:22 AM
Finally, someone is mentoring and culturing some talent for our auto industries!!!:D

Great job, and great times! He looks pleased as punch.

alvin rush
02-01-2010, 6:49 AM
not having a father in my life I grew up lonely but meeting a man who taught me woodcarving made him my idol and I know your boy looks up to you,so :)kudos to you and many happy days for you all.....

John Thompson
02-01-2010, 1:10 PM
Great build.. great parenting and tell him Ole Sarge said that that young puppy of his has to have some fun in life also and there's plenty of fun to go around.. And remind him if it breaks.. he's a wood-worker now so he can just repair or build another un.. ;)

Horton Brasses
02-01-2010, 2:12 PM
Very cool!

Dave Gaul
02-01-2010, 2:38 PM
That's awesome Michael! I remember seeing your last post about it, and reminded me of my step-son-to-be, his "father" basically doesn't exist. I try to get him in the shop, but he wants to play more than anything, and doesn't quite grasp the whole safety thing yet. Best I've found is the kid workshops at the BORG's... he does well with those.

How old is your son?

Zach England
02-01-2010, 3:06 PM
Almost makes me wish I had a kid...no, not really.

I have thought making wooden toys would be fun, but then I'd have a bunch of wooden toys when I don't even know any kids. A friend suggested I donate them, but some kid would probably choke on a part and then I'd get sued.

Jerry Balzell
02-01-2010, 8:53 PM
Quality time.

Gary Breckenridge
02-01-2010, 11:23 PM
That's quite a car factory you have gooing.:cool: