View Full Version : Once again, SMC saved me time and money!

Jeff Wille
01-31-2010, 9:03 PM
I am finishing a basement, and I've been working on some custom window jambs, ledge shelving, and trim pieces. The pieces were crafted and sitting in place, but not yet stained/varnished.

The south-facing windows had some snow between the screen and glass. As some of the snow melted in the sunlight, the water somehow found a path to the inside. The water (and nails/screws) caused areas of the oak to turn black, VERY black. It was not something that could have been sanded out.

I was very sure I'd be remaking those pieces, but I logged on to SMC first. A simple search quickly brought up a few threads about an oxalic acid mixture. It took the stain right away! I was amazed how well it worked. It was only 6.99 for a pound, but I only needed a tablespoon or so with some water.

The window has been fixed, and I'll be going forward with all of the finishing this week.

Thanks SMC users! The donation/membership has once again paid for itself.

-Jeff Wille

Leigh Betsch
01-31-2010, 10:30 PM
I don't think people ever really think about how much value there is in the knowledge that is shared here. I've learned so much I couldn't even try to put a price on it. SMC is truly a wonderful thing.

Brian Kent
01-31-2010, 10:49 PM
You got it!

Neal Clayton
02-01-2010, 2:29 AM
hey jeff, if those windows are gonna see the same moisture exposure in the future, a trick often forgotten but used for centuries on not just wood but any other natural substance that's exposed to the elements (like leather, furs, etc.) is to treat before finishing with boric acid.

the effect will be similar to what you get with the acid you've already used. it will leech out water, and at the same time create an insect/fungus inhibiting barrier. the acid is very toxic to any 6 legged critter as well as fungus like mold and mildew, not really to humans, it was even used in ancient times as a food preservative, since it'll kill buggers but not hurt people. it's also the same natural insect repellant present in just about every fruit. yet another example of mother nature being slicker than us ;).

it won't affect any oil or alchol based finish/paint you might use. if you're using a water based finish on the inside, a simple shellac barrier coat will suffice to prevent any adhesion issues.

here's an LSU study with some better detail...

http://docs.google.com/gview?a=v&q=cache:RHXLIipLyzkJ:www.rnr.lsu.edu/wu/PDFFiles/Decay%2520and%2520mold%2520Paper%2520IRG34.pdf+cyp ress+mold+resistance&hl=en&gl=us

of course some woods have this sort of property via their own natural oils (like cypress, spanish cedar, etc.). for others, if it's to be used outdoors, a borate treatment prior to finishing imo is never a bad idea.

Glen Butler
02-01-2010, 2:36 AM
SMC has saved me hundreds of dollars in the short time I have been here. It is time for me to become a contributor.

Ken Shoemaker
02-01-2010, 8:37 AM
SMC has COST me tons of money since I've been here!!! :D Every "gotta' have it" thing under the sun... ugh!!! But I'll tell ya', best $6.00 I ever spent...

Don Morris
02-01-2010, 11:44 AM
Your right, SMC has cost me and it has saved me, answered more questions than I had the right to ask. That's why I'm a donor.

John Neel
02-01-2010, 12:53 PM
It has also saved me time and money. It gives me some laughs. It keeps me from feeling like the lone ranger when I have problem. I am amazed at how much knowledge is available and a bit sheepish about my own lack of knowledge. I lurked for over a year before asking a question.

I appreciate the moderators and general lack of flaming.

It is high time I became a contributor and I am doing that today.

Thank you to everyone who answers, lurks, moderates, and participates in any fashion.

John Neel