View Full Version : Not power tools, but definately needed for the shop.

Jim O'Dell
01-31-2010, 12:05 PM
I meant to post about these weeks ago, but just haven't thought about it when I had the camera out there.
I received these from my Dad at Christmas. 140349 I had been wanting one of each, but the tool money has been earmarked for other things, and will be for a while to come. But Dad came through.
The small caliper is a Santo No. 3005 5" It is in bad need of a good cleaning. I can get it to slide, but I have to force it. Anyone tell me how it comes apart, or the best way to clean it up?
The larger one is a 9" Nippon Seiki. It appears to be newer, or at least very well kept. Dad could have purchased this here in the states, or when he was in Japan while in the service during the Korean War. I need to ask him. I was too excited when he handed them to me to even think about questions!! Here's a closer look: 140350

The two micrometers are interesting. The small one is by the Lufkin Rule Co. with a patent date of Aug 1, 1922. Most likely, this was my Grandpa's. He was a civil engineer that worked for the Oklahoma Highway Department for many years. Had quit and opened a Redi Mix Concrete plant with some partners long before I was around. I remember seeing his drafting table and tools in the basement of their house when I was growing up. Sure wish I could have gotten those!!
The large mic is from Millers Falls Co and is a No.701R. Both of these are in pretty good shape. 140351
I've already put the large caliper into use once. It will be nice having these around the shop. Thanks for looking in!! Jim.

Keith Outten
01-31-2010, 12:41 PM
I thought Nippon Seiki meant made in Japan.

Myk Rian
01-31-2010, 1:17 PM
NSK is a good brand.

To get the caliper apart, remove the stop at the end of the caliper. It will all slide apart then. Take a fine stone to the jaw faces to make sure they are smooth. I would also run the stone on all the sliding surfaces to remove burrs.

If you want to clean the micrometers up, I have spanner wrenches for mics. (Repaired them for 20+ years) If you would like some, PM me your address.

Jim O'Dell
01-31-2010, 1:44 PM
Not sure, Keith. May very well be. From what Myk says, NSK should be the brand. But there is a Nippon Seiki Ltd. when I Google Nippon Seiki. I just thought the NSK was for Nippon Seiki.;)
Thanks Myk. There is a spanner in the wooden box. I just didn't pull it out for the picture. The mics work well and are very smooth. Just the one older looking caliper that is rough/stuck. I'll get it apart and clean it up. I don't have a fine stone...anything else work? What if I pull it apart and soak it in WD40 to loosen up the gunk and grit, then clean it off real good? I do have some spray cleaner for cleaning intakes on cars. :D
Thanks for the info! Jim.

Jeffrey Makiel
01-31-2010, 6:18 PM
Jim...My cuts are always off these days. The last thing I want to know is exactly how much they're off! :)

-Jeff :)

Ken Fitzgerald
01-31-2010, 6:35 PM
Congrats on the gifts Jim!

Press your Dad to find out if any of those belonged to your Grandfather. To me, that would make those even more special than they already are.

Jim O'Dell
01-31-2010, 7:39 PM
Thanks guys. Yeah Ken, I plan to find out. Just wish I'd had my wits about me when he handed them to me. Like I say, I was a little surprised. Didn't even know he had anything like that. Jim.