View Full Version : Mothballed Movie Characters..

Michael Gibbons
01-31-2010, 11:34 AM
..that you would like to see in a flick one more time? How about Dirty Harry brought out of retirement to solve a case that only he could. He could trade in his .44 for the S&W 500. He-He.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-31-2010, 11:53 AM
He'd probably trade his 44 for a cane these days.:rolleyes:

Phyllis Meyer
01-31-2010, 12:06 PM
Robert Redford back as Johny Hooker from "The Sting", of course it wouldn't be the same without Paul Newman, but a good old fashioned sting operation movie is always fun to watch!


Keith Starosta
01-31-2010, 2:02 PM
One of my Top 5 war movies is "Kelly's Heroes". The cast they assembled for that flick was just awesome, and the characters they played were some of the best ever. Donald Sutherland as "Oddball"? Are you kidding me?! While it would NEVER touch the original, I think it would be interesting to see what a modern-day version of that film would look like...with a really good screenplay, and a great director.

- Keith

Eric DeSilva
01-31-2010, 2:51 PM
Buckaroo Banzai, although Peter Weller might be a bit long in tooth at this point. Would also need to haul John Lithgow back as Dr. Emilio Lizardo.

Jerome Hanby
01-31-2010, 2:56 PM
Ditto, UI always felt cheated since they plugged the next installment and it never happened...

Buckaroo Banzai, although Peter Weller might be a bit long in tooth at this point. Would also need to haul John Lithgow back as Dr. Emilio Lizardo.

Bill Cunningham
01-31-2010, 11:24 PM
http://therisingstorm.net/audio/forbiddenplanet.jpgA remake of 'Forbidden Planet" as long as they don't ruin it with too much CGI, or turn Robbie into a blood soaked monster.. This was way back before Leslie Nielsen found his 'step on a duck' call:D

Caspar Hauser
02-01-2010, 4:19 AM

Stop it, don't be giving The Suits any more titles to remake.

Pretty much every remake is a disaster; cynical, greedy, cgi'd, dumbed down and action adventured to death, that and they have Tom 'trampoline' Cruise in it. Stop remaking films! Move on!

How about stories that ought to be films that are not?

In the Surreal comedic treatise on death, literary criticism and bicycles category, The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien. (Has short discussion of the nature of a truly sharp edge)

In the Sci Fi category, Icerigger by Alan Dean Foster (Alien pirate sailing ships on ice!)

In the Really, it's all happened before documentary category, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles MacKay

In the Short film series category, almost anything by Saki, Borges and O. Henry

In the Good grief the dictionary would make a better film than this crap category, The Concise Oxford English Dictionary (General release) and the Unabridged Oxford Engish Dictionary (Lexicographers' cut) with free magnifying glass.

And if you really really must have a remake then how about a redux, directors cut and plane, ultimate, 3d, hd, stingray, digital, widescreen, slipstone, fully neanderthal version of the complete barn building from the Witness...first fell your tree..

Mike Cruz
02-01-2010, 8:05 AM
How about Sly a Rambo movie? Oh, that's right, he just did that... :rolleyes:

How about Peter Sellars doing another Pink Panther? Oops, no, that can't happen... :eek:

I know, I know, get Sean Connery back for another 007! Definately!

Jim Rimmer
02-01-2010, 1:48 PM
How 'bout some film noir that Bogie used to do. Raymond Chandler stories, etc. Maybe Russel Crow as Rick in Casablanca?

John Lohmann
02-01-2010, 2:38 PM
Inspector Gadget, I think that series needs a trilogy!

Ted Shrader
02-01-2010, 5:04 PM
One of my Top 5 war movies is "Kelly's Heroes". The cast they assembled for that flick was just awesome, and the characters they played were some of the best ever. Donald Sutherland as "Oddball"? Are you kidding me?! While it would NEVER touch the original, I think it would be interesting to see what a modern-day version of that film would look like...with a really good screenplay, and a great director.

- Keith+ about 100 on that!!!!

Paul Greathouse
02-01-2010, 10:18 PM
He'd probably trade his 44 for a cane these days.:rolleyes:

I don't know Ken, Ole Clint did alright with the M1 in Grand Torino.

Mike Cruz
02-01-2010, 10:53 PM
After watching Notorious this weekend, I really could have seen Cary Grant as a Bond....

Terry Crump
02-02-2010, 11:47 AM
I know! Let's hire Keanu Reeves to do a remake of Day the Earth Stood Still! It'll be great! ...what?...they already did that? ...it flopped?
Oh well. How about another Bill and Ted movie?

Horton Brasses
02-02-2010, 11:59 AM
Buckaroo Banzai, although Peter Weller might be a bit long in tooth at this point. Would also need to haul John Lithgow back as Dr. Emilio Lizardo.

Love that movie as a kid. Classic campy Sci-Fi. Side note-The director is a regular customer of mine. Used a lot of our hardware throughout his home a couple years ago. Very nice guy all around.

Michael Gibbons
02-02-2010, 8:26 PM
One word- "JAWS" - duh DUH duh DUH duh DUh...