View Full Version : Need help with wife

Marshall Harrison
10-22-2004, 12:48 PM
I thought that title would get your attention. :D

My wife is into stained glass and as obvious, I'm into wood working. I'm looking for suggestions on how we can combine our interests and do more together. I don't want a future of just doing picture frames for her but I would like to work on projects with her.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Gredo Goldenstein
10-22-2004, 12:56 PM
Cabinet doors? Book cases? Entertainment center? These all would be beautiful with stained glass.

Mark J Bachler
10-22-2004, 1:00 PM
I'm commisioned to do a coffee table with a stained glass center. I'm going to use a frosted glass or plexi bottom with a tempered glass top & the stained glass sandwiched between. Then add some kind of lighting to the in side of the apron. The stained glass came from one of Hussein’s palaces in Iraq.

Betsy Yocum
10-22-2004, 1:22 PM
I have a friend with a few well-placed stained glass doors in her kitchen - they look great and give the kitchen an upscale, classy look.


John Miliunas
10-22-2004, 1:26 PM
Table lamps. AC-style table lamps would really be pretty cool with some stained glass in them. :cool:

Ted Shrader
10-22-2004, 1:26 PM
Marshall -

How about a few lamps?


Ted Shrader
10-22-2004, 1:29 PM
John -

OK That is freaky. Check the post times on each of our messages - and the message. I would say that great minds think alike, but I am automatically disqualified from that category. :)


Chris Daigh
10-22-2004, 1:31 PM
Prariedesign.com has some plans for table lamps, some more complicated than others. Also their was a great table lamp in the lastest American Woodworker. Wish I had time to take a class and learn the skill.

John Miliunas
10-22-2004, 1:39 PM
John -

OK That is freaky. Check the post times on each of our messages - and the message. I would say that great minds think alike, but I am automatically disqualified from that category. :)


Hey Ted, that is REALLY pretty cool! :D And I vote for the "great mind(S) <plural here!> think alike" part of it! :) :cool:

Steve Jenkins
10-22-2004, 1:55 PM
have her take a slight ly different path from stained glass and do some leaded glass panels for cabinet doors. I did a couple of entertainment centers with leaded glass in the doors and they looked great. Difference is the leaded glass is all clear but beveled edges,diamond and other geometric shapes. Steve

Jamie Buxton
10-22-2004, 1:55 PM
If you look at modern multi-light glass windows, they have straight muntins -- the wooden bars that seperate and support the glass panes. If you look at older fancy cabinet doors and windows, you can see elaborate muntins which are not straight, but curved. The curves of these muntins form patterns of their own. (And, BTW, the joinery on them is.. uhm.. challenging!) Art Deco is famous for this, but you can see it at other periods in history. If you combined this style of muntins with stained glass, it could be quite an attractive panel. It would also exercise your woodworking skills more than just building yet another rectangular picture frame.

Another place to see approaches like this is in the great stained glass panels in medieval cathedrals. There, however, the "muntins" are stone!

Steven Wilson
10-22-2004, 2:53 PM
How about table legs. Instead of making solid wood legs, make some with a gap and fill the gap with stained glass. For example. make a curved leg in two parts, each following a different curve; the curves intersect at the foot. In the plane made between the two curves would be ripe for placing a panel. The panel could be made of stain glass.

Jack Diemer
10-22-2004, 3:12 PM
If you want to get into the big money, do Front Door Entry ways. Use the leaded glass on the door and the side window panels.

Marshall Harrison
10-22-2004, 7:52 PM
Thanks everyone.

The idea of lamps, bookcases and doors sounds like something we could do.

Steve, she already does leaded glass so that is an option.

Jack, I'm not sure I'm up to doorways. Maybe later when I get some more experience. I really would like to replace our front door with something that contains glass.

My main interest is in Arts & Crafts furniture so I'll be looking for plans that include stained or leaded glass.

Pat Monahan
10-23-2004, 12:47 AM
Marshall - Another idea for you is a quilt display case. Think of it as a blanket chest crossed with a curio cabinet. LOML is into quilts, and needs a place to store them, so for her birthday I'm building her one. Hope to post pics when finished.

Joe Scarfo
10-24-2004, 10:40 PM
I've always wanted stained glass upper kitchen cabinet doors that was a continious grape vine that traveled through out the kitchen...

Joe in Tampa....

Dan Racette
10-25-2004, 1:44 PM
if anyone wants to share any plans for leaded glass door furniture, I would be delighted. I have the exact same sort of situation in my workshop.

She gets the side with the heater!

We are going to do some small boxes with leaded glass lids for now.

We want to do some grand entryways when we get more stuff moving through the shop, or if we get some commissions for them. (commissions as in money up front! :cool: )

let us know with pics if anyone comes up with something amazing!

Marshall Harrison
10-25-2004, 4:43 PM

The continious grape idea sounds neat. Sonmeting similiar would work in our kitchen as she has a fruit motif running throughout the kitchen.