View Full Version : Ever notice

Leigh Betsch
01-27-2010, 7:24 PM
Ever notice that if you have a bad day or get into a less than favorable discussion with your spouse that when you go to the shop and sharpen your chisel every things to seem a lot better. I guess life is a lot better with a sharp chisel. I think I'll change my signature line to reflect this truth.

Gary Herrmann
01-27-2010, 8:09 PM
I have noticed that. Not that I would ever disagree with SWMBO.

Don't know if it's the chisels or just the zen of a repetitive process resulting in something useful.

James Taglienti
01-27-2010, 8:26 PM
rituals clear the mind and bring a focus that seems to clarify many things outside of those directly in front of us. not that i go out back and slaughter lambs or anything- .. i think you get what im trying to say honing a chisel is a ritualistic act, which human nature is very geared towards

Harlan Barnhart
01-27-2010, 8:48 PM
This is so true. Sometimes I get into a "sharpening fit" and sharpen everything. Its like a purge of bad something. You sleep better.

george wilson
01-27-2010, 9:57 PM
I often need to sharpen my wits!!!

Leigh Betsch
01-27-2010, 10:12 PM
I often need to sharpen my wits!!!

Too sharp of a wit usually cause me the trouble I need to forget!

harry strasil
01-27-2010, 11:06 PM
Spent 36 years and 3 months with my first wife before she passed unexpectedly, second wife and I are going to celebrate 5 years in just over a month, have yet to have an arguement with her except when I forced her to go to the ER and it turned out she had numonyia. I Guess I am just LUCKY, and both of them support/supported my tool habit. So I just sharpen when its needed.

Jonathan McCullough
01-28-2010, 12:27 AM
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." (Abraham Lincoln, 1809-65)

Boy, sometimes my wife seems to have an axe to grind all day long. But sharpening is very zen. You are doing one thing, but your subconscious is working on your other problems. Sometimes when you are concentrating very hard on a particular problem, and its solution is not presenting itself to you, the best thing to do is take a step back and do something entirely unrelated. Agatha Christie said her best ideas came to her when she was doing the dishes.

Randal Stevenson
01-28-2010, 12:48 AM
Ever notice that if you have a bad day or get into a less than favorable discussion with your spouse that when you go to the shop and sharpen your chisel every things to seem a lot better. I guess life is a lot better with a sharp chisel. I think I'll change my signature line to reflect this truth.

Did you ever notice that look you get, (when sharpening) that makes her wonder:

What your thinking about
Why she then is calling relatives about a gun
How close is the nearest phone.

This seems like one of those Saturday night live, Andy Rooney spoofs.

Kent A Bathurst
01-28-2010, 10:08 AM
I often need to sharpen my wits!!!

I could use some help here, George. Hoping you can help me hone in on the correct technique. Waterstones or sandpaper? Freehand or jig? Final grit? :D

Leigh Betsch
01-28-2010, 12:22 PM
I could use some help here, George. Hoping you can help me hone in on the correct technique. Waterstones or sandpaper? Freehand or jig? Final grit? :D

I hope he doesn't use a strop, I'm not sure I could take another thread like that!:D

Paul Atkins
01-28-2010, 12:26 PM
Got to use a witstone.