View Full Version : Oak bowl

Brian Effinger
01-26-2010, 9:48 PM
This is an 8" x 2-1/2" oak bowl I started turning around Thanksgiving. I'm not really sure what kind of oak it is, though. It is finished with a few coats of danish oil and buffed. I'll say this about the oak - it is not an easy wood to dry. Slow is the key here. ;) I thought the wood had a lot going on in it - from medulary rays, to bark inclusions and birds-eye figure, so I am glad I didn't screw up the drying.

139896 139897

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This wood was an accidental find. I found a large tree had fallen over in the woods adjacent to a local neighborhood, and just had to go back to get some. I was on the expressway heading to a clients house to measure for an addition, and was lost in thought, so I missed my exit. I got off at the next and worked my way back to the road I was supposed to be on, when I saw this tree down. It looked like it had fallen over across the sidewalk and into the street. Someone (town highway dept., I presume) had cut it back to the tree line. The heartwood of the exposed end was very dark, so I initially thought it was walnut, until I got a closer look, and saw the rays. There was 25' or so of tree and one log laying there, so after my appointment, I swung back and got that log. I took it home, split it in two with the chainsaw, and was amazed at the coloring of the heartwood, so I threw the saw in the pick-up and went back for some more. I cut up several more sections until I got up to the thicker brush, and was too lazy to get through it, so there is still a lot left. I have a feeling it is still there.

After working with a little of it, I figured out why it fell over. The center had started to rot away. Fortunately there was plenty of wood left. If I get ambitious sometime in the next few weeks, and it is cold enough so the ground is frozen, I may go back for more. Near the bottom, the trunk was probably 24 to 30 inches in diameter, maybe more.

I have one more blank that is roughed and just about dry now, as well as a hollowed out form, that will be an ornament when I get around to turning an icicle.

Thanks for taking a look, and for putting up with my story. Comments and critiques are welcome. :)


Bernie Weishapl
01-26-2010, 9:52 PM
Brian that is a really nice bowl. I like the simple form and finish looks great.

Steve Schlumpf
01-26-2010, 10:00 PM
Good looking bowl Brian! I like the open form and the slight outward slant to the rim. Nice work!

David E Keller
01-26-2010, 10:10 PM
Very nice... I love the form. I also like the area of bark that you left in the finished piece. Lots of color variations in this piece.

Baxter Smith
01-26-2010, 10:42 PM
Love the profile! Colorful wood too.

Chris Haas
01-26-2010, 10:48 PM
i love oak, it is just sooooo hard to keep from cracking. the bowl looks great though.

John Keeton
01-27-2010, 6:52 AM
Brian, you really brought out the best of that piece of oak! Beautiful bowl, and as others have commented, a very pleasing form. The oil finish really brings out the grain and color.

steven carter
01-27-2010, 9:25 AM
Good looking bowl Brian. I like the form and the finish is great. Takes a little lmore patience working with oak, but the end result is worth it.


charlie knighton
01-27-2010, 10:11 AM
very nice...

Brian Effinger
01-27-2010, 4:37 PM
Thanks guys. You are all too kind. :)

Dennis Ford
01-27-2010, 5:09 PM
It looks like one of the white oaks, you did a good job on it.

Curt Fuller
01-27-2010, 9:51 PM
Very nice bowl! I love the look, feel, smell, about everything about oak.

01-28-2010, 12:11 PM

Beautiful wood and bowl. Just curious though, how would you describe the smell of that oak when you were turning it? I roughed out a bunch of oak recently and my sister came over and kept complaining that she smelled dog poop. She went on a mission to check everyones shoes. After no success I told her to smell the oak logs and sure enough thats what it was. I dont know what kind of oak it was but everytime I turn it it has that smell.


Brian Effinger
01-28-2010, 6:29 PM
Thanks Dennis, Curt and Glenn.

Glenn, it did have an oder to it, but I wouldn't call it dog poop. A bit musky I guess. It has been several weeks since I turned the last piece of it, so I may be a bit off. I'll have to report on the next piece.