View Full Version : Bowl turning classes

Donny Lawson
01-26-2010, 8:08 PM
. I know someone that will be willing to give me bowl turning classes for $10.00 hr. He has been turning for over 20yrs and is now retired.He says he doesn't teach for the money but because that is what he loves to do.He said he only has the best equipment with 2 lathes that can turn a 20" bowl.All classes are a 1 on 1 basis.He said all I need to bring are my safty glasses.Is this a deal or what?
. Did anyone else take classes or just jump in and do your own thing?

patrick michael stein
01-26-2010, 8:19 PM
hi donny

my local woodcraft charges 75dollars for a three hour class. break it down 25dollars an hour . So if your teacher knows what he is doing i say its a deal.


Dennis Ford
01-26-2010, 8:21 PM
This is a deal! The worst possibility would be that you don't get along with the guy, even then you would learn a lot.
You can learn without classes but it will take many times longer.

Thom Sturgill
01-26-2010, 8:29 PM
There are things you are going to learn much easier and better with a trainer. Body and tool position are critical and much easier to learn with a mentor. Even if you later adopt a different style, learning with a mentor can give your turning a real boost.

Steve Schlumpf
01-26-2010, 9:33 PM
Sounds like quite the deal! Make the most of it and have fun!

Bernie Weishapl
01-26-2010, 9:35 PM
Donny that is a whale of a deal. I would jump on that in a minute. Have fun.

Ron Bontz
01-26-2010, 10:20 PM
I live in a cave and watch you tube from time to time. Even then it amazes me all the things I do wrong. Sounds like you got a deal to me. Good luck.:)

Greg Just
01-26-2010, 10:55 PM
one on one beats a full class any day. I recommend you take a pad and pencil and take notes

Joe Shinall
01-26-2010, 11:13 PM
Hey Donny, I see that you are in Ga. I do not know how far you are away from Atlanta, but Highland Woodworking in the Highland district of downtown Atlanta, offers turning classes for $95 for a full day 9-5 class.

Below is the link to the class site, just choose the month and see the classes they offer. I am in Savannah, about 4 hours out but my sis lives within 1 mile of the store so I go up there to "visit" her for a weekend and of course I have alterior motives :D I love their store and they really are a friendly staff. And they have TONS of stuff in stock, a larger selection than any store I've ever been to.


Donny Lawson
01-27-2010, 9:17 PM
I called and had a good talk with the man about the classes. He said he has been turning since he was a teenager.He is now retired and does turning because he loves what he does.He told me not to expect to make anything on the first trip.He said we will cut some wood and learn how to mount it and learn how to use the tools.He said when I learn the technique and how to use the tool we will then make a bowl.I think this is going to be fun and I'm looking foward to it.It sounds like he knows his stuff.

Joe Shinall
01-27-2010, 11:00 PM
That sounds great Donny. Can't beat that one on one.

Hilel Salomon
01-28-2010, 7:40 AM
He can't be doing that for a living, so he must enjoy what he does. Even if you later want to change techniques, you can always learn from an experienced turner. Later on, you can pick and choose from a variety of approaches.
I would have jumped on it, but tried to teach myself. Trouble is that I had a fool for a teacher (LOL) and learned a lot of mistakes.

Donny Lawson
01-28-2010, 7:23 PM
Well, I could not wait until Monday so I took the afternoon off and went to turn some wood.What a RUSH:D!!!!!!. He talked about his equipment and tools for a minute and then we went out back with chainsaw in hand and picked out some maple.He showed me how to saw it and I carried it inside. He chipped out the bark for the live center and put it on the lathe.He said "I will show you a few cuts and then you can have a go at it".I asked him how will I know when the tool gets dull? He said "YOU will know".He was right.I thought I would never get the hang of riding the bevel.,but I finally figured it out."I Think".I spent 3hrs. up there and made alot of shavings.He brought me sharp tools every time mine got dull.He's probally got 10 or 12 1/2" bowl gouges.He said when I get the outside part down we will start on the inside.I made a 12" diameter piece of wood into a 2" piece of wood.I did learn something and it was well worth the $30.00 for the 3 hrs.I will be going back on Monday to pratice some more.:D

01-28-2010, 11:33 PM
For 30 bucks and 3 hours you probably learned what it took me months to teach myself. Sounds like it was well worth it. Congrats and dont forget pictures.