View Full Version : How to tighten a screwdriver handle?

Doug Hobkirk
01-26-2010, 7:08 PM
The wood saddles (I can't remember the correct word) are slightly loose - I can insert a thin nail file in the loosest area. I imagine I need to pound on the two "rivets" (correct word?). Should I set the flush side on my metal "anvil" (a heavy iron plate used on a railroad tie) and pound the other side (slightly inset) with an appropriate sized round punch?

Then I can try sanding the wood and refinishing it. Should I refinish using any oil, like real tung oil, or BLO, or Watco Danish, etc.?

I am also curious what the hammer is designed for. The head is 3 1/2" x 3/4", the handle is 11" long, and it weighs . The round "flat" head is slightly concave. It was in a box with ten "bits" that I also don't know.

Thanks, Neanderthals

Dale Probst
01-26-2010, 9:16 PM
The "bits" are some sort of tuning pin for a musical instrument, probably a piano.

harry strasil
01-26-2010, 11:09 PM
when you make a head on a rivet that is in wood, you Brad the end by using a small cross pein hammer and gently work the rivet head to spread it, then move the hammer pein 90 and pein it the other way, then use the wide flat end to very gently smooth the head of the rivet.

Jim Koepke
01-27-2010, 2:38 AM
My memory says the wood on your "Perfect Handle" screwdriver are called scales.

A lot of tools of the era came with similar handles.
