View Full Version : Walnut bowl

Kevin J Lalonde
01-26-2010, 9:55 AM
Finished this bowl Friday. 10"x4" 1/4 thick finished with waterlox. I like the shape of it, what do you guys think? Would have looked better with a bit of a rolled lip? I used my new photo(sofa)tent!!

Steve Schlumpf
01-26-2010, 10:00 AM
Kevin - looks pretty good to me! Pretty wood!

Bernie Weishapl
01-26-2010, 11:03 AM
Pretty nice bowl Kevin. I do like the finish and simple form.

Bill Bolen
01-26-2010, 11:16 AM
Nice wood and a very goood form. Lip treatment fits the bowl well. All kinds of things can be done to the lip to change the style but I find the simpler the better for most bowls. Also the foot adds a lot to the over all feel of the piece. Some like a more pronounced foot, some like flat with no foot apparant and some prefer a beaded foot. All are personal taste. You did a very nice job here...Bill...

Sean Hughto
01-26-2010, 11:23 AM
I'm just a relative beginner, but I find myself drawn more and more to simple forms like this. I made an apple bowl over the weekend - around 9 x 3" - sort of reminiscent of your wonderful walnut bowl in terms of concentrating on the curves and leaving a fairly plain rim.

I do find bowls frustrating to photograph though. In order to get a good dof to get both sides in relative focus, I lose resolution as the f stop gets too high. I suppose that's were a light tent helps!

Baxter Smith
01-26-2010, 1:12 PM
Nice wood and a very goood form. Lip treatment fits the bowl well. All kinds of things can be done to the lip to change the style but I find the simpler the better for most bowls.
Very pretty bowl and wood! I like a lot of the different rim and bottom styles that people show here but when I am at the lathe my brain/memory seems to freeze. A simple bottom or rim looks good and I'm afraid adding stuff might detract from that.

Allen Neighbors
01-26-2010, 7:54 PM
I think it's a beautiful bowl, with an elegant form. Since you asked about the lip, I've been told that an inward sloping lip is better for utility bowls, and that it looks better... but I've tried inward, outward, and no slope... and it's all up to what I felt like at the time... one hasn't outsold the other.
Well done!!

John Keeton
01-26-2010, 8:57 PM
I like the form, and always like walnut!! On this shape, I don't think an embellished rim would have added anything.